Chinese Church Voices

Learning to Care for the Elderly

Churches across varied regions are providing diverse elderly care services to their local communities… However, they still face challenges such as difficulties in management and operations, insufficient professionalism among service personnel, and overall low service levels.

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Creating a Truly Chinese Church

A truly “Christian” Chinese church will not only be thoroughly enculturated, but it will also retain the entire “rule of faith” shared by the rest of the universal church. Finally, Chinese Christians, knowing they are part of the universal church, will continue to seek to share the joys and trials of the indigenous churches of all other cultures. Such a church would be biblical, God-pleasing, and truly Chinese.

Blog Entries

Can I Still Get a Bible in China?

Answering Common Questions

Since the Bible does not have a government-issued ISBN, they can only be sold legally in churches and bookstores affiliated with the [registered church] … “The process of printing and distributing Bibles is a regulated and systematic procedure that begins with an annual assessment by the [registered church] of the demand for Bibles. The proposed quantity is then submitted…for approval.”

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Securitization of Everything

Churches and individual Chinese Christians have felt the impact of this shift to greater emphasis and concern about security. Unregistered churches and groups are seen as threats affecting societal and cultural security. Any foreign connections are seen through a security lens as a potential threat to China’s stability and healthy development.

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Political Counting

An interesting feature of Chinese social and political discourse is propensity to label institutions or political campaigns using numbers… They are catchy and thus relatively easy to remember. Here are some of my favorites.

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Beyond the Standard Narrative

Legislation may technically render a host of Christian activities illegal, but these activities do not suddenly cease. While we may hear that “China” is clamping down on unregistered meetings or websites or online gatherings, the reality on the ground may tell a different story.

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Church Development and Theological Education

Doubtless the vigorous development of theological education since the 1990s is one of the important evidences of the growth of Christianity in China. Besides reflecting the growth of the church, it was itself a factor in the further expansion of the church.

Blog Entries

Why Denominations?

Responding to “When the 'Golden Age' Is Over”

An experienced cross-cultural worker discusses the issue of Christian denominations in China, in light of questions raised in the recent post, “When the Golden Age Is Over.” He argues that denominations can help churches unify and work together to further the spread of the gospel throughout China.

Chinese Church Voices

Celebrating Easter across China

How did churches across China celebrate Easter? This article from China Christian Daily gives a flavor of some Easter celebrations in Three-Self registered churches in three different provinces.