Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Church Voices is an occasional column of the ChinaSource Blog providing translations of original writing by Christians in China. The views represented are entirely those of the original author; inclusion in Chinese Church Voices does not imply or equal an endorsement by ChinaSource.

Chinese Church Voices

In the Fire, Yet Unburned: A Journey of Faith in Adversity

I no longer wallowed in self-pity as a piece of wild grass because such grass is also created by God and loved by God.

Chinese Church Voices

“The Olympic Champion with a Heart for China”

Eric Liddell’s Missionary Life and Death after the Olympics

Chinese people remember Liddell as "The Olympic champion with a heart for China," and he is buried in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. His life, though short, was a blessing to many, and his story continues to inspire.

Chinese Church Voices

Learning to Care for the Elderly

Churches across varied regions are providing diverse elderly care services to their local communities… However, they still face challenges such as difficulties in management and operations, insufficient professionalism among service personnel, and overall low service levels.

Chinese Church Voices

The School on the Move—A New Long March

Looking back now, the formation of the mobile school was not man-made but arranged. We only needed to follow the guidance resolutely. Although the "Long March" has just begun, "a single spark can start a prairie fire!"

Chinese Church Voices

Resilience and Renewal

The Shifting Landscape of Hong Kong's Church

The topic of church development must be considered in the spirit of John the Baptist's words, "He must increase, I must decrease." We must recognize that what needs to be developed is the universal church as part of the kingdom movement, not a specific local church or organization.

Chinese Church Voices

The Predicament of Young Pastors in Contemporary China

I believe that this is not an era that demands achievements or pursues accomplishments, but rather an era that yearns for spiritual awakening. We must genuinely return to a place of rest, waiting upon God, encountering him in the depths of our souls, and hearing his gentle whisper. We must recognize that he is greater than all our actions and possessions, yet he encompasses our entire lives.

Chinese Church Voices

A Cautionary Tale: Reacting to Rumors That China Alters the Bible

Professor Anna says, “Many times, textbook authors make mistakes out of ignorance, not with the intent to provoke…Although the impact is limited, it can serve as a reminder for religious individuals: You need to engage in more clarification and dialogue and prioritize interaction with professionals from different fields to help eliminate illiteracy.”

Chinese Church Voices

The Transformation of Overseas Chinese Churches: “Three Highs and One Low”

Overseas Chinese churches need to equip immigrant congregations to become people on the move, learn to grow and blend together in mixed groups, achieve cross-cultural missions together, and establish gospel partner relationships with other churches, instead of going it alone.

Chinese Church Voices

Sight: More about Dr. Ming Wang, the Real Doctor behind the Film

Dr. Ming Wang says of his first step toward faith, “Although I had been exposed to world literature in my education in China, I knew very little about religion and spirituality. The concept of faith was very foreign to me, but at that moment, a thought emerged deep inside me: if there is indeed a God in the universe, now would be the time for him to appear.”

Chinese Church Voices

Homeward Bound: A Christian’s Return to China

Three months ago, I returned to China, and upon returning, I found the situation more urgent and needed than I imagined. From a spiritual perspective, China is like a dried-up pond, and I hope more people will come to serve in China, as it urgently needs your help. I am waiting for your arrival here.