Tag: Pastors

Chinese Church Voices

Challenges and Opportunities for the Pulpit in China’s Urban House Churches

The pulpit of urban house churches in mainland China refers to preaching and information-sharing conducted by preachers during Sunday services and other occasions. The challenges discussed here refer to problems or crises, both internal and external, that affect the church’s pulpit.

Blog Entries

When God Calls Us to Stay

Embracing God's Call as a Pastor in Hong Kong

Even before the civil unrest and the pandemic, Hong Kong was already known for its sky-high housing prices and tough conditions for raising kids. Still, God guided us on a journey of grace and reconciliation, calling us to stay and serve his church.

Blog Entries

Hearing from China’s Church 

A Look Back

While hearing from the church in China is undoubtedly more difficult than it was even 10 years ago, God is still creating unexpected channels that connect believers the world over.

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Generation to Generation

People have never been so eager to hear about the gospel because their lives and hopes have never been so damped in the past four decades.

Chinese Church Voices

The Predicament of Young Pastors in Contemporary China

I believe that this is not an era that demands achievements or pursues accomplishments, but rather an era that yearns for spiritual awakening. We must genuinely return to a place of rest, waiting upon God, encountering him in the depths of our souls, and hearing his gentle whisper. We must recognize that he is greater than all our actions and possessions, yet he encompasses our entire lives.

Blog Entries

A Social Scientific Study of the Chinese Christian Community in Britain (3)

Key Issues for UK Chinese Churches

Current reports on Chinese churches in the UK often focus on their significant growth in numbers. To be sure, while the interviewees were all grateful for the growth, they also faced unprecedented pressures. This reminds us that when discussing the British Chinese Christian community, we should avoid falling into the trap of moralizing numbers.

Chinese Church Voices

The Next Decade of the Church in China

Pastor Li…shared his reflections on…Christianity in China…as well as his outlook and predictions for the next decade. He believes that Chinese Christianity is transitioning from a growth period to a bottleneck period …the next long phase will be one of consolidation, with the cultivation and nurturing of excellent church talent being a key priority.

Blog Entries

How “Runology” Is Changing Ministry to Diaspora Chinese

More Chinese people, both believers and non-believers, are looking for ways to leave China. Some people are leaving because of persecution, while others want to escape the imposition of “Xi thought.” As Chinese immigrants arrive in our communities, we need to look for ways to welcome the newcomers and show them the love of Christ.

Supporting Article

Europe: A Missionary Field or Mission Force?

Europe's Chinese churches need ministers just as much as each European country needs them. Although Europe was once one of the most active regions for sending missionaries, even as recently as the early twentieth century, it has now become a mission field requiring support and prayer from various missionary organizations and churches worldwide.

Blog Entries

Called and Faithful

Embracing Identity in God’s Service

Scripture forewarns us of life's trials, and Jesus' words in John 16:33 are a beacon: “In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” The path of pastoral ministry has its own inherent trials, and as a woman, these can be distinctive.