Tag: New Zealand

Blog Entries

Meet the Missionaries Who Went to China

ChinaSource Summer School Session 3

God works through the lives of individual believers to spread the gospel and fulfill the great commission. In this post, we have rounded up several posts that look at multiple important missionaries from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Blog Entries

A Conversation from Down Under

3 Questions Video Interview with Peter Anderson

Learn more about the Chinese diaspora in New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands with Peter Anderson, editor of the spring 2022 issue of ChinaSource Quarterly and our own Joann Pittman.

ChinaSource Conversations

3 Questions: Interview with Peter Anderson

Discussing the Chinese Diaspora in New Zealand

To learn more about the Chinese diaspora in New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands, Joann Pittman interviewed Peter Anderson, editor of the spring 2022 issue of ChinaSource Quarterly.

Blog Entries

Second-Generation Chinese Youth—Kiwi and American

A Reader Responds

A reader discusses the similar challenges faced by second generation Chinese youth in the US and New Zealand. He concludes with an overview of strategies that might help Kiwi churches minister to the needs of their second generation.

Blog Entries

Loving China from Overseas

Promoting Revival and Transformation

Chinese pastors in New Zealand realized that a new season was coming and for this reason, they all shared the vision of New Zealand standing up and praying for New Zealand, for other countries, and especially for China.


Packing a Punch!

From the desk of the guest editor.

Lead Article

An Overview of the History of Chinese Christian Communities in New Zealand

Vogel describes the history of Christian mission and ministry among the Chinese in New Zealand. He tells us what has been accomplished in the past, what the present situation is, and new areas of challenge that have emerged.

Supporting Article

Chinese Churches in New Zealand Today

The author gives an overview of the development in the Chinese church in New Zealand. Recently, God has been building a spirit of unity. The author believes that New Zealand may soon become a base for Chinese missions.

Supporting Article

Reaching the Second Generation

Children of Chinese immigrants face unique challenges growing up in New Zealand. Based on their experience, the authors address these issues and discuss ways to share the gospel with these young people.

Supporting Article

Neglected Kinsmen in the Pacific Islands

Many Chinese from diverse backgrounds have migrated to the Pacific Islands. Few of them have become Christians. The Pacific Islands Chinese Mission Conference gatherings have helped coordinate ministry to these Chinese people.