Tag: Missions
Living to Be Forgotten
In a society and culture that values platforms and celebrity, may we be like the ordinary disciples of the early church—living to be forgotten so that Christ will be remembered.
8th Asia Member Care Network Conference 2025
Sustainable Ministry and Sacrifice for Long-Term Missionary Success
Our hope and prayer is that the keynote speaker, Scott Shaum, and the various workshops will help all of us to pause, hear, reflect, and live God’s call in our lives for the long haul, in sustainable and kingdom service for the glory of God!
Who’s at the Table?
Rather than assuming their long experience, carefully honed strategies, and ready resources will carry the day, leaders from traditional sending nations need to learn to listen to others at the table whose ideas may seem foreign, perhaps even misdirected, and whose available resources pale in comparison to the perceived task at hand.
Listening to the Echoes
A Post Lausanne IV Reflection
This is an invitation to listen to the echoes, following the recent Fourth Lausanne Congress on Evangelization held in Incheon, South Korea. When the noise dies down and silence starts to reign, what are we hearing and seeing? What is rising within? Here I share a small glimpse from the lens of an observer and virtual participant.
Closing the Gaps
Much of the program at last week’s Fourth Lausanne Congress was structured around 25 issue areas, or gaps. Yet some have pointed out that this granular approach to the overall mission effort ignores the context of each of the gaps, as well as the ways in which they interrelate.
Partners in Faith
Answering the Call to “Come and See” in China
Those of us involved in China ministry since the early 1980s have been eye-witnesses of China’s rapid changes on the surface. As China opens again after COVID-19, I believe we are asking the same question again—what is our role as Christians from the West in China?
Crossing Cultures: Perspective and Spiritual Maturity
When our own cultural perspective is extremely limited, our capacity for ministering cross-culturally will likewise be significantly constrained. A perspective growing out of spiritual maturity—more and more of us and fewer and fewer of them—will go a long way toward effective ministering cross-culturally.
Who’s in Charge?
As with many Christian China narratives, the questions we ask shape the storyline. If “Who’s in charge?” is not the right question, attempts to answer it will undoubtedly prove unsatisfactory. Perhaps a better starting point would be, “How shall we lead together?”
Crossing Cultures: The Promise and the Blessing
As with Abram, so with us: we are the beneficiaries of that promise and blessing. We are invited to leave, to go, to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with Jesus Christ, the living image of our living God. Going includes learning to minister cross-culturally. That is our blessing, our calling, our mission.
Sharing the Gospel: Franchise or Indigenization?
Nothing succeeds like success, and many Christian ministries have adopted a franchise-like pattern based on a founder’s compelling vision facilitated by a highly structured and quality-controlled delivery system…[But] can the gospel be franchised? I think not.