Tag: Minorities

Chinese Church Voices

Cross-Cultural Ministry in the Chinese Church

In recent years, some churches in China have begun to think about and become more involved in cross-cultural ministry among China’s ethnic minorities. In August the Mainland site Gospel Times published an article about efforts by some churches in eastern and northeastern China to establish churches in minority areas. 

Blog Entries

ZGBriefs – The Week’s Top Picks, November 6 Issue

All our favorite stories this week are about people or communities that are on the margins of Chinese society, either culturally or geographically: Orthodox Christians, Uighur factory workers, Hong Kong taxi drivers, and Miao villagers in Guizhou.

Chinese Church Voices

A Church for Hani and Yi People in Yunnan

While much is written about the explosive growth of the church among the Han (dominant ethnic group in China), less is written about the spread of Christianity among the minority peoples. The article translated below is about a county in Yunnan Province that is praying and raising money to build a church.

Chinese Church Voices

The Power of the Gospel — a Miao Village that is 80% Christian

This article, translated from the Mainland based website Christian Times, is a testimony to the power of the Gospel among the Miao people of Yunnan Province.

Peoples of China

China’s Minority Women

The issues facing minority women in China.

Book Reviews

The Untold Story

The Liberating Gospel in China, The Christian Faith among China’s Minority Peoples. by Ralph R. Covell.

A review by Jim Ziervogel

Supporting Article

China’s Christian County

The Lisu of Fugong

The story of a Christian county in rural Yunnan.

Lead Article

The Hidden China

An overview of the ethnic minorities of China and the background of how they have been categorized by the Chinese government.

Peoples of China

How Many Unreached Peoples Are There in China?

How do we define "people groups" and how many unreached groups are there in China today?