Tag: Hong Kong
A Watershed Moment for Global Chinese Christianity
A Reader's Response to the 2024 Spring CSQ
Given that the small community of the Chinese diaspora and the East Asian societies and Western societies that host it are all facing crises and challenges brought about by various changes, the ministry work done by churches in this context can provide a powerful witness, allowing the grace experienced by this small community to bless the much larger Chinese and Western populations in which it is embedded.
Faith Across Continents
Peter Anderson’s Story of Service in China
Readers who appreciate a detailed, chronological account of Christian work in China over the past few decades, and are also interested in Anderson’s personal journey, will enjoy this book….and will most likely enjoy the stories Anderson shares, including the joys and challenges he encountered along the way.
A Social Scientific Study of the Chinese Christian Community in Britain (3)
Key Issues for UK Chinese Churches
Current reports on Chinese churches in the UK often focus on their significant growth in numbers. To be sure, while the interviewees were all grateful for the growth, they also faced unprecedented pressures. This reminds us that when discussing the British Chinese Christian community, we should avoid falling into the trap of moralizing numbers.
Diaspora Missions Today
Challenges and Opportunities for the Overseas Chinese Church
Today, faced with the opportunities and challenges of diaspora missions brought about by globalization, the church should actively participate. We hope that God will give the church the spiritual vision and kingdom-mindedness to take part in diaspora missions, and that we will see opportunities for encouraging lay missions.
Dragons and Devotion: Bridging Cultural Heritage with Christian Faith
I am not Chinese, and yet I was so helped by this exploration of the Year of the Dragon. And I realize that for my Chinese Christian brothers and sisters this series of articles may have produced a much deeper sense of relief than mine. For this I am grateful and looking forward to an eternity in which I can know them better.
A Social Scientific Study of the Chinese Christian Community in Britain (2)
The Nones
The British Chinese community holds a relatively open attitude towards faith and Christianity. There is a significant curiosity about its social, cultural, and ethical dimensions amongst those who appear to be religiously unaffiliated in the census. The appeal of Christianity appears to extend beyond its spiritual teachings, touching upon a desire for community, understanding of British culture, and alternative perspectives on contemporary issues.
The Evolving Tapestry of the Chinese Diaspora
The dispersion of Chinese populations will continue to grow in the near future and the missional implications of this are enormous. The recent growth of Christianity in China and the country’s political upheavals are pushing a record number to migrate overseas. Many have…embraced the Christian faith in foreign lands and cultures.
Lead Article
The Global Chinese Diaspora Today
Overview and Mission Trends
Our Lord is the lord of history, and everything happens according to his plan. The recent political developments in and related to China have impacted the movement and dynamics of the global Chinese diaspora. They have closed some doors for mission while opening others.
Supporting Article
Partnership to Welcome Hong Kong Newcomers
Chinese churches and local churches in the UK are working hard to welcome and shepherd the vast number of Christians from Hong Kong as soon as possible, giving them opportunities to serve, and mobilizing them to reach out with the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-believing Hong Kong newcomers and others in the Chinese diaspora.
Supporting Article
Recent Chinese Migration Trends in Australia
[There] is also an opportunity for reconciliation as Christians from the PRC and Hong Kong often worship alongside one another and serve in ministry teams together. These are great challenges but also God-given opportunities for us to embrace so we can learn, grow, and unite in serving his purposes in the world.