Tag: Hong Kong protests
Mission Ministry in Hong Kong, Part 2
Sunset or Sunrise?
Yet, we should rest assured that God’s invitation for his children to take part in his mission plan has not changed. But in participating in God’s mission, the way of implementation should vary with the dynamics of world development which is also under God’s sovereignty.
Mission Ministry in Hong Kong, Part 1
Sunset or Sunrise?
The whole Bible unveils the mission of God. He calls his people to take part in his missional plan. The churches in Hong Kong, in spite of the social disturbance, should keep pursuing the Great Commission as a mandate.
A New Phase of Christianity in Hong Kong
A New Phase in Hong Kong Part 2
Understanding and preparing for the new phase Hong Kong may soon be facing.
Recognizing Spiritual Warfare behind Social Unrest
A New Phase in Hong Kong, Part 1
A believer ponders the spiritual dimensions underpinning the unrest in Hong Kong.
ZGBriefs – The Week’s Top Picks, October 9 Issue
What does it mean to be Chinese? Three articles this week highlight the complexity of being Chinese.
ZGBriefs – The Week’s Top Picks, October 2 Issue
For this week's Top Picks, we are re-publishing a post by Joann Pittman originally posted to her blog, Outside-In, on September 30, 2014.
Brent Fulton Talks about Hong Kong
On September 30, Austin Hill, host of the Austin Hill in the Morning program on Faith Radio, interviewed Brent Fulton about the situation in Hong Kong.