Tag: Detention

Chinese Church Voices

“The Olympic Champion with a Heart for China”

Eric Liddell’s Missionary Life and Death after the Olympics

Chinese people remember Liddell as "The Olympic champion with a heart for China," and he is buried in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. His life, though short, was a blessing to many, and his story continues to inspire.

Blog Entries

A Christian’s Experience in Detention

Brother Xu Guoyong, co-founder of Oak Tree Press in Beijing, was tragically killed in an accident in January 2016. In this excerpt from his writings he reflected on the time he spent imprisoned for his faith. 

Chinese Church Voices

My Story in the Cell

Brother Xu Guoyong, co-founder of Oak Tree Press in Beijing, was tragically killed in an accident while attending a conference in the United States in January. In this excerpt from his writings he reflects on the time he spent imprisoned for his faith.