Tag: China Christian Council

Chinese Church Voices

Learning to Care for the Elderly

Churches across varied regions are providing diverse elderly care services to their local communities… However, they still face challenges such as difficulties in management and operations, insufficient professionalism among service personnel, and overall low service levels.

Blog Entries

Official Protestant Groups Plan Next Five Years of Sinicization

What Does the TSPM/CCC 5-Year Plan Tell Us about the Direction of Official Protestantism?

What the latest plan for Protestant leadership in the TSPM and CCC tells us is that Xi Jinping continues to attract or compel Christians to align themselves with traditional Chinese culture and, as important, with the Chinese Communist Party’s agenda.

Blog Entries

Can I Still Get a Bible in China?

Answering Common Questions

Since the Bible does not have a government-issued ISBN, they can only be sold legally in churches and bookstores affiliated with the [registered church] … “The process of printing and distributing Bibles is a regulated and systematic procedure that begins with an annual assessment by the [registered church] of the demand for Bibles. The proposed quantity is then submitted…for approval.”

Blog Entries

Back in China

Challenges notwithstanding, the resilience and unwavering faith of the Chinese church are awe-inspiring. God’s grip on his church remains unyielding, and amid adversity, a vibrant faith continues to thrive in the hearts of believers across China.

Blog Entries

A Book for Understanding China’s Registered Church

A must read for anyone who wishes to work with the registered church in China or indeed the registered church or house church.

Chinese Church Voices

China Christian Council and Luis Palau Association Meet Virtually

For reasons apparent to all, there have not been many in-person communications between the China Christian Council and overseas ministries since the pandemic. But relationships are still possible.

Chinese Church Voices

Facial Recognition and the Church

It's quite common that people in China have to have their faces and identity cards scanned before being allowed into high-speed rail stations, but the same approach has triggered controversies when used in some churches. 

Blog Entries

The Lianghui and Registered Churches

Friends or Foes?

The Lianghui is one of those things that falls into the category of “church with Chinese characteristics.”

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

Delineating nine areas of expectations for pastors in China. 

Chinese Church Voices

Celebrating the First Re-opened Church

In the spring of 1979, Ningbo Centennial Church became the first church in China to reopen its doors after the Cultural Revolution.