Lead Article

Lead Article

From “Run” to Return

Helping Chinese Returnees Stand Firm in Faith

We long to see returnees not just survive their transition home, but return well, engage with and get involved in the local church, and be ambassadors for Christ to their families, friends, colleagues, and the world.

Lead Article

The Resolve of a Commoner

Some Reflections on China’s Catholics Today

China’s Catholics continue to endure their present circumstances, attending services, meeting in their homes for private prayer and study, and supporting one another in their Christian faith.

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The Global Chinese Diaspora Today

Overview and Mission Trends

Our Lord is the lord of history, and everything happens according to his plan. The recent political developments in and related to China have impacted the movement and dynamics of the global Chinese diaspora. They have closed some doors for mission while opening others.

Lead Article

The Need for Innovation and Digital Transformation

By redeeming technology, Christians can redefine their engagement in the Great Commission and empower the discipleship of the next generation to carry global missions forward.

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Pentecost in China (1)


The author delves into the history of how Pentecostalism came to China in the late nineteenth century. He introduces us to early missionaries—including women—Chinese leaders, and revivals.

Lead Article

New Era and New Roles

Changes and Issues for Chinese Ministries in a New Context

Changes in China over the past ten years are dictating changes for the church in China. Kim reviews the main areas of change and the ways these have affected the churches. Then he looks at new roles for both workers from overseas and China’s churches.

Lead Article

A Decade of Change and Future Prospects

Bryant outlines the four areas in which China has most changed over the past decade. He discusses what these involve and their significance for the church in China.

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Member Care for Mainland Chinese Missionaries

Breaking New Ground in a Developing Field

Generational, cultural, and personal issues create challenges and advantages for Chinese cross-cultural missionaries and point to the need for member care. How can this need be met?

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An Overview of the History of Chinese Christian Communities in New Zealand

Vogel describes the history of Christian mission and ministry among the Chinese in New Zealand. He tells us what has been accomplished in the past, what the present situation is, and new areas of challenge that have emerged.

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Thinking about Multiplying Migrant Worker Churches in Urbanizing China

After an overview of current trends in migrant worker population growth throughout China, read about the ways that urbanization has influenced the expansion of migrant churches. Finally, discover five ideas to multiply migrant churches.