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Lead Article

China’s WTO Accession—One Year Later

[…] At the same time, China has increased both import and export volumes. Exports, although lower than expected, are still going strong mainly due to the demand for cheap, quality Chinese products as well as the development of new markets. The cost of general consumer items is down as many jituans are engaging in cutthroat […]

Blog Entries

Finding the One

After the devastating loss of one child, we continued the search for our daughter. Grieving the loss of a child who was never really ours is a challenging place. We weren’t once pregnant and then not; we’d never held that little one and then had her taken away. It was a very private loss […]

Supporting Article

One Family’s Experience of the New Era

What has the New Era been like thus far for Chinese believers who have lived through the previous one? The best way to understand this is to talk with individuals about their own experiences. I want to invite you into the living room of a family I have known for the last decade. You […]

Blog Entries

One Gospel for All Nations”

A Book Review

One Gospel for All Nations: A Practical Approach to Biblical Contextualization, Jackson Wu, William Carey Library, 2015. ISBN-13: 978-0878086290. Available in paperback and Kindle edition. Jackson Wu teaches and writes extensively on the topic of biblical contextualization. He serves as Associate Professor of Theology and Missiology at ICTS, blogs at Patheos, and in […]

Chinese Church Voices

The Way of the Cross

[…] are experiencing persecution? This article from Good News Today describes how persecution is something all Christians are called to shoulder. In a Storm, May We Be the Ones Who Hold an Umbrella for Others: Persecution, the Way of the Cross, and Our Response in Love The church worldwide has suffered great persecution in recent […]

Blog Entries

One Child Nation

A Film Review

One Child Nation Directed by Nanfu Wang Produced by Next Generation, ITVS, WDR/Arte, Motto Pictures, Pumpernickel Films China, 2019 Mandarin Chinese and local Chinese dialect with English subtitles 89 minutes in duration Film available on Amazon. Trailer available on YouTube and on the One Child Nation website. This was a difficult film to watch […]

The Lantern

Truly, One Body Many Parts

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. . . . If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored all the parts are glad. 1 Corinthians 12:12, 26 In our third […]

Blog Entries

Education for Chinese Christian Families—Another Way

[…] teachers from international schools in Asia have told me that each class now—even in primary schools—have a large number of Chinese students. “In the past we had one or two, maximum three, per class, the numbers are much higher now.” The family backgrounds of the children who study in these schools have also changed. […]

Blog Entries

Domestic Abuse Is Coming Your Way

Are You Ready?

[…] in wholeness. It happens. The process is messy, painful, and at times seems impossible, but when health and reconciliation slowly bloom there is beauty. But there is one experience that still haunts me. Could we have done more, I wonder. What if my husband and I had had the tools then that we have […]

Chinese Church Voices

The Transformation of Overseas Chinese Churches: “Three Highs and One Low”

In my previous article, “The ‘Three Highs and One Low’ Phenomenon of Overseas Chinese Churches,” I aimed to depict the current state of most Chinese immigrant churches outside of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. These churches are characterized by high mobility, high diversity, high competition, and low sustainability. A valuable resource that every pastor […]