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Blog Entries

A Key Way that Christians around the World Can Contribute to Gospel Growth in China


Have you considered that the Chinese student you are connecting with may one day be a person of influence in China?

Chinese Church Voices

A Foolish Way to Build the Church

For this post, we have translated a sermon given by Pastor Wang Yi, of Early Rain Reformed Church, one of the prominent house churches in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. In it, Pastor Wang reflects on what it means to build a church. 

Blog Entries

Only One “Why?” Question Per Day, Please!

A month or so ago I was having a lovely outdoor dinner with group of friends, one of whom was a high school kid from Beijing studying at a school here in the Twin Cities and living with an American host family.

Chinese Church Voices

When Your Phone Becomes a Substitute for True Relationships

What would lead an 18-year-old boy from a top class to stab his teacher and show no remorse? In this interview transcript, originally published on the mainland blog Territory, host Wenjun speaks with Jiang Peirong, a Taiwanese psychologist and Christian, about what might have led to this shocking event.

Blog Entries

From Doing to Paving the Way

The third article in a series by Brent Fulton exploring seven trends that are impacting the way foreign Christians can effectively serve in China.

Blog Entries

One Last Summer Reading Recommendation

It’s September and the autumn semester has started for most students, but before the leaves start to turn and the temperature plunges, we have one more summer reading book recommendation for you.

ChinaSource Perspective

Too Much for One Issue

A ChinaSource staff member describes a decades-old international student outreach to students in her neighborhood and references the long history of student ministry in China noting that the length and breadth of China-related student ministry were too great to deal with in just one issue of CSQ.

Chinese Church Voices

When a Loved One Is Drawn into a Cult

Heretical cults are active in China. How should friends and family members respond when they suspect a loved one is being drawn into a cult?

Chinese Church Voices

One Who Waited for “Godot” but Found God

[…] was young, my family subscribed to Selected Fiction and Fiction Monthly, and I often read the short stories in Dangdai Bimonthly and October Literary Journal. I remember one short story titled “When the Evening Glow Disappears.” The author spoke through the mouth of a Buddhist teacher, saying, “Science seeks truth, religion seeks goodness, and […]

Chinese Church Voices

Single and Married Christians Relating to One Another

The blog Building Healthy Families recently posted a short piece about the importance of single and married Christians of the opposite sex setting boundaries in how they relate to one another.