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Chinese Church Voices

Churches in China Prepare for the New Year

The first day of the Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is next week. Churches in China have been busy preparing for the holiday. These two articles from China Christian Daily tell of three churches that prepared and distributed free New Year couplets to bless their congregations and proclaim God’s love.

Chinese Church Voices

China’s Churches Celebrating the New Year

With the Covid-19 restrictions in place during the Spring Festival this year, how did China’s churches celebrate? China Christian Daily gives us glimpse of what the holiday was like for some churches in China.

Chinese Church Voices

Celebrating Holy Week in China

Many churches in China marked Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday with special worship services. Here are pictures from two of the services.


ZGBriefs | March 31, 2016

The Swept Tomb vs. The Empty Tomb: A Collision of Holidays in China (March 30, 2016, The Gospel Coalition)
Each spring almost one-fifth of the world’s population observes a tomb-oriented holiday that isn’t Easter. Yet despite the mass observance of this festival, most Christians in the West are unfamiliar with it. The holiday […]

Blog Entries

Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!

Wherever you are this Spring Festival, may it be a special time for you with family and friends.

The Lantern

On the Horse!

February 14 marks the official end of the two-week holiday season in China known as Spring Festival, which coincides with the first 15 days of the lunar New Year. According to the Chinese zodiac, the year that began two weeks ago is the Year of the Horse.

Chinese Church Voices

Praying for a Good Harvest

The Tianjin CCC and TSPM hold a prayer and worship service as spring planting begins in rural areas. 


ZGBriefs | May 9, 2024

[…] of events “enriched the spiritual lives of villagers,” according to a local news release. More than 4,000 kilometers away, in Fujian’s Shuqiao Village, residents held a “Rural Spring Festival Gala” featuring song and dance performances. These and thousands of similar events across China’s vast rural hinterland are part of a concerted push to achieve […]

Blog Entries

Governing Religion with One Eye Closed

I am not a regular reader of Daedalus (although I probably should be), but a few weeks back I downloaded the Spring 2014 edition of the journal Daedalus onto my kindle because the cover caught my eye: "Growing Pains in a Rising China."

Blog Entries

How Do You Spell “Success?”

[…] Christians and those from outside the country. With increased collaboration, however, has come more opportunities for miscommunication and missteps as Chinese and foreign believers attempt to work together. This spring in ChinaSource Quarterly we will take an in-depth look at the state of this collaboration, drawing upon newly available research on Christian leaders in China and those […]