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Blog Entries

A Better and Broader Understanding of China

[…] that one of the best ways to learn was to initiate friendships with students from China who were studying at our local university. We found that most international students never enter a home in the US, and that international students are usually eager for friendships with caring Americans. I was working full-time as a […]

Blog Entries

John Song—A Fruitful Returnee

A Reader Responds to the Autumn CSQ

[…] his diary and notes in 2012.1 Song arrived in the US to study at Ohio Wesleyan University in 1920 and experienced financial hardship and loneliness as many international students do. His diary notes that an American Christian family made “an indelible impression on him” during his undergraduate years.2 Like many international students, Song was […]

Blog Entries

A Journey of Captivation and Identity

[…] old. We missed our family in California, so in 2000 we moved back to Southern California and began to work full time for an organization that welcomes international students.  Before moving, I went on the internet and found the area with the highest Asian population and moved to the San Gabriel Valley where our […]

Blog Entries

From Andrew Gih to Hudson

Documenting a Legacy of Adoption and Faith

[…] he was a director who had recently moved to Southern California from Beijing to work for an organization called Education & Culture Foundation (now known as ECF International). Among the materials ECF produces are documentaries that feature individuals and families living out Christian principles. A goal is to have the documentaries shown on cable […]

Blog Entries

A Chinese Church in Maryland Serving around the World

[…] 30, 48 CBCMers joined Peace City Church for 19 days, filling 143 time slots to distribute meals to refugees in Parkview Gardens Apartments in nearby Riverdale. The International Refugee Committee and World Central Kitchen provided 9,350 meals in this effort. In mid-May as I continued praying, I felt there was more the Lord wanted […]

Blog Entries

My Heart Burns for Them

An International Student’s Passion to Reach Others with the Gospel

An interview with an international student in China.

Chinese Church Voices

Seeking God for International Student Ministry in China

Late last year, a group of pastors, minsitry leaders and students met to discuss the needs of international students in China and how to best support those serving them.

Blog Entries

We Use Chinese All the Time

Why Chinese Is a Key Language for Reaching International Students in China

More on reaching international students in China from "Tim," a student from Zimbabwe studying in China.

Blog Entries

International Student Ministry in China—A New eBook

International students are no longer only going to the West to study; they are increasingly going to China. There are profound implications for this trend, not only for global international student ministry groups, but for the Chinese church as well.

Supporting Article

International Student Reentry and Returnee Ministry: An Overview

Reverse culture shock, conferences addressing international student reentry and research are discussed. Many resources, with a focus on material for Christian returnees, are suggested.