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ZGBriefs | April 2, 2020

China’s Travel Restrictions due to COVID-19: An Explainer (April 1, 2020, China Briefing) As the COVID-19 is now a pandemic, China has formally suspended the entry of most foreign nationals to prevent a second wave of the outbreak at home.


ZGBriefs | May 21, 2020

China Wants Workers to Stay in the Countryside (May 16, 2020, Foreign Policy) There are reports that as many as hundreds of thousands of enterprises have already gone bankrupt.


ZGBriefs | May 6, 2021

Will Easing of Student Visa Restrictions Rekindle China-US Exchanges? (May 5, 2021, The Diplomat) It’s a step in the right direction, but there are still substantial hurdles – both logistical and political – for Chinese students to come to the U.S.

Blog Entries

How Are Your TCKs Doing?

In the past 18 months, our family has lived in six borrowed homes in two states. This has been the result of planning, packing, obtaining visas, multiple COVID tests, and then being denied the needed green code twice in our attempts to return to China

Lead Article

Telecommunications and the Internet in China

Among developing countries, China is number one in the pace at which telecommunication services and the Internet are being developed. These developments will contribute enormously to China’s modernization and integration into the global economy and may have significant domestic social and political impact. 


January 16, 2014

A compilation of the important news from China this week, from online published sources. 

The Lantern

ChinaSource Institute

A New Training Initiative

We are delighted to announce a new training initiative—ChinaSource Institute!

Chinese Church Voices

5 Challenges Facing Churches in China

The Gospel Times recently published an article written by a pastor in Xiamen on what he considers to be some of the key challenges facing the church in China today. Here is a translation of the article. 

The Lantern

New: “The Church in China Today” Course

From ChinaSource Institute

A note from the director of ChinaSource Institute . . .


ZGBriefs | August 6, 2020

For Wuhan’s COVID Mourners, Little Has Been Laid to Rest (July 30, 2020, ChinaFile) As the outbreak began to recede in the city this spring, many angry relatives of the disease’s first victims found themselves looking for outlets for their feelings of loss and sense of injustice.