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Challenged by Different Ways of Seeing, Part 2
[…] was quite surprised but neither the sister who recommended the job nor Dorji had any second thoughts about it. It didn’t occur to them that this job promoting Buddhism might not be good, ethical, or even right for a Christian. They saw no need to be quiet about it, as saw nothing wrong or […]
Passing the Faith to the Next Generation
Reaching American-Born/Second-Generation Chinese
Key issues for Chinese American Churches.
New Wine Means New Wineskins
We serve an unchanging God whose heart for the nations is unquenchable. New wine needs new wineskins. I encourage my fellow workers to prayerfully consider what these changes mean for…future work among the Chinese people, and to prepare [for] the new roles God has prepared for us.
Robert Ekvall: Living on the Edge
A Book Review of Brave Son of Tibet
Robert and Betty went to the untamed Tibet and built relationships, preparing for themselves and others to move and live in these new areas. Robert was a visionary with deep understanding of the cultures, but also brave, as the title says, facing local robbers, politics, and later, war-haunted China.
A Social Scientific Study of the Chinese Christian Community in Britain (2)
The Nones
The British Chinese community holds a relatively open attitude towards faith and Christianity. There is a significant curiosity about its social, cultural, and ethical dimensions amongst those who appear to be religiously unaffiliated in the census. The appeal of Christianity appears to extend beyond its spiritual teachings, touching upon a desire for community, understanding of British culture, and alternative perspectives on contemporary issues.
God’s Way Is Higher than Our Way
The Journey of a Christian Family in China's Educational System
Ours is just one story among millions in China facing similar challenges. Due to the rigorous demands of the college entrance exams and pervasive competitive pressures in education, many Christian families here opt to send their children to unregistered Christian schools… [Our son], however, is among the few who remain within the Chinese educational system, compelled more by financial necessity than choice.
How Should Chinese Urban Churches Confront Anxieties in Today’s Era
[…] atheistic and China’s public schools are also atheistic, should all Christian children withdraw from public schools? And if so, where would they receive their education? When churches promote spiritually correct but overly simplistic proclamations without offering the necessary resources or practical guidance, they risk deepening believers’ anxiety. I am not suggesting that the church […]
Supporting Article
The Three-fold Call of the Leader as Steward
Christians need to be good stewards of their identity and their time. They also need to value "being" over "doing."
Leading Abundantly
Originally published in 2010 as a three part series, this article challenges leaders to develop greater capacity in three areas where resources are often lacking in ministy.