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Blog Entries

Is There a Role for the Western Church in China?

I have been reflecting recently on Brent Fulton’s challenge to rethink partnership between Western and Chinese churches. I have had an interest in the church in China for the past twenty years and have traveled there frequently for a variety of reasons—including work with several Chinese churches. My PhD thesis focused on historical efforts to reach […]

Supporting Article

Western images in a Chinese mirror

[…] some cases they are ill prepared.  While their motives may be genuine, because of the vast linguistic and cultural gulf that separates China from the average modern Western Christian, serious mistakes can be made.  My purpose here is not to dissuade anyone from deeper involvement with China, but rather to enable us to stand […]

Chinese Church Voices

Christianity Brings Western Medicine to Guangdong (Part 2)

The first part of the article on the Fuyinmen (Gospel Door) website focused on western missionary work in the medical field in Guangdong. The second part of the article focuses on education and a missionary's encounter with Hong Xiuquan, who would later lead the Taiping Rebellion.

Chinese Church Voices

Christianity Brings Western Medicine to Guangdong (Part 1)

[…] missionaries subjective intentions were, the contributions of Christianity to the development of education, medicine, and philanthropy in Guangdong can't be ignored." According to Ming Liang, the first western hospital, the first English-Chinese dictionary, and the recent famous institute of higher learning, Lingnan University – all are closely connected with Christianity. According to recent statistics, […]

Blog Entries

Golden Goose: The Story of a Peasant Family in Western China

A Book Review and Interview

Golden Goose: The Story of a Peasant Family in Western China by Xu Liu and David Burnett. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 186 pages, ISBN 978-981-13-3773-4, ISBN 978-981-13-3774-1. Available in hardback and ebook versions at Palgrave and World Cat Golden Goose: The Story of a Peasant Family in Western China is the product of […]

Blog Entries

Defying Western Expectations

[…] Early Rain Reformed Church appeared to many as the epitome of the Reformed movement in China. Featured in Ian Johnson’s The Souls of China and in countless Western journalistic accounts of China’s “underground” church, Early Rain became a kind of poster child for Chinese Christianity—a picture of what was possible in the relative openness […]

Blog Entries

One Virus, Two Cities

When the corona virus began its rapid global spread earlier this year, New York City quickly emerged as a new epicenter of the virus. Case counts spiked, reaching new highs on a daily basis as hospitals reeled under the sudden demand for acute care. Well over 20,000 lives would be lost before the outbreak […]

Chinese Church Voices

Western and Chinese Church History

[…] Chinese House Church Alliance. Many years ago the government did not manage to bring house churches into the orbit of the Three Self Church, and now by promoting the formation of a House Church association it is reattempting what it failed to do back in the 1950s. Under a different name it is trying […]

Blog Entries

Western vs. Chinese Theology

In the “Teaching across Cultures” class I took last month with Dr. Craig Ott, he had us read The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently . . . and Why by Richard Nisbett. The crux of the book’s argument is that Westerners and Asians think differently because of their different ancient roots. 

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

[…] more vigilant in recognizing and preventing the capability of foreign infiltration as well as to stand on guard against cults, heresies, and extremism.  In addition, the document promotes mutual respect and harmony between different religions as well as inter-religious dialogue and cultural exchanges. It also demands that staff conform to churches' rules and regulations […]