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Blog Entries

Being a Western Christian in the Global Church

Update Your View of the Global Church

[…] role in the Chinese Christian community. In part 1 the current state of world Christianity is presented, while part 2 looks more closely at the place of western Christians within the global church. In part 3 suggestions are offered for how western Christians—in light of all this—should approach their service to the Chinese Christian […]

Blog Entries

Being a Western Christian in the Global Church, Part 3

How You Can Serve the Chinese Church

[…] Jesus’s prioritization of faithfulness (Mat 25:21), and pursue the Bible’s fully-orbed conception of God’s global mission (summarized in the Lausanne Covenant as “the whole church taking the whole gospel to the whole world”) then we are free to see the value in a host of different missional roles. Honesty about our own gifts—honesty towards both those who send us and those who receive […]

Book Reviews

Eastern Versus Western Learning Approaches

Book Review

<p><em>Cultural Foundations of Learning: East and West</em> by Jin Li.<br /> <em>Reviewed by Lisa Nagle</em></p> <p>There are deep cultural differences between Eastern and Western societies regarding learning and development. The notion of whether creativity is learned or not is just one of these. This book explores some of the differing approaches to learning found […]

Supporting Article

Western images in a Chinese mirror

[…] viewed as cunning, crafty, shifty and dishonest.  In the Treaty Ports, Chinese were fodder for the new factories, but, in contrast, foreigners on Chinese soil enjoyed extra-territorial freedom from Chinese law.  Overseas, Chinese were despised as ignorant laundry men and opium addicts in the ports of Liverpool and London, while in California Chinese were […]

Chinese Church Voices

Christianity Brings Western Medicine to Guangdong (Part 2)

<p><em>The first part of the article on the </em>Fuyinmen (Gospel Door)<em> website focused on western missionary work in the medical field in Guangdong. The second part of the article focuses on education and a missionary's encounter with Hong Xiuquan, who would later lead the Taiping Rebellion.</em></p>

Blog Entries

A Free Resource

"Gospel in Life"

<p>Our friends at the International Outreach department of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) are offering a free resource to those serving in China—Tim Keller’s <em>Gospel in Life</em>, in simplified Chinese. </p>

Chinese Church Voices

Christianity Brings Western Medicine to Guangdong (Part 1)

[…] missionaries subjective intentions were, the contributions of Christianity to the development of education, medicine, and philanthropy in Guangdong can't be ignored." According to Ming Liang, the first western hospital, the first English-Chinese dictionary, and the recent famous institute of higher learning, Lingnan University – all are closely connected with Christianity. According to recent statistics, […]

Blog Entries

Western vs. Chinese Theology

<p>In the “Teaching across Cultures” class I took last month with Dr. Craig Ott, he had us read <em>The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently . . . and Why</em> by Richard Nisbett. The crux of the book’s argument is that Westerners and Asians think differently because of their different ancient roots. </p>

Blog Entries

Free Webinar: “Confucian Shame in Christian Thinking”

[…] webinar will explore the diverse ways that honor and shame affect our moral decision making as well as Paul’s use of these ideas within his letters. This free webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 24 at 1:00PM (US Central Time). For more information and to register go to “Confucian Shame in Christian Thinking.” […]

Blog Entries

Golden Goose: The Story of a Peasant Family in Western China

A Book Review and Interview

Golden Goose: The Story of a Peasant Family in Western China by Xu Liu and David Burnett. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 186 pages, ISBN 978-981-13-3773-4, ISBN 978-981-13-3774-1. Available in hardback and ebook versions at Palgrave and World Cat Golden Goose: The Story of a Peasant Family in Western China is the product of […]