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Blog Entries

The 20th Party Congress: A Roundup

In an unprecedented move, the 20th Congress of the CCP approved Xi Jinping to take up a third term as the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. To help our readers understand the ramifications of the event, we have a roundup of articles and podcasts.

Blog Entries

Recording: Chinese Christian Posters in Early 20th Century China

I want to thank Daryl Ireland for delivering such an interesting and enlightening lecture. We were deeply blessed, and we hope that those who view this recording will be as well.


Spreading the Gospel: Christian Posters in Early 20th Century China

Lecture Recording

Posters were the most common visual imagery of Christianity in China from 1919 to 1949. In his lecture, Dr. Daryl Ireland showcased some of his collection of nearly 700 posters from both Protestants and Catholics and discussed how they are changing the way we think about Chinese Christianity.

Blog Entries

“China Is Not Russia”

The first chairman of the ChinaSource board reminices about the early years of ChinaSource. 


Honor-Shame Culture and Its Impact on Chinese Missionary Retention and Attrition

A paper considering several Chinese honor-shame cultural constructs that could potentially encourage retention and avoid premature and preventable missionary attrition of Chinese cross-cultural workers.

Blog Entries

Voices from Hong Kong

On the 20th Anniversary of the Hong Kong SAR

Were you hopeful or pessimistic about Hong Kong's future in 1997? How do you feel now on the 20th anniversary of the handover?


ZGBriefs | October 20, 2022

How Xi Jinping is reshaping China, in five charts (October 17, 2022, Christian Science Monitor) Chinese leader Xi Jinping is expected to win a rare third term in this week’s 20th Communist Party Congress. Understanding how Mr. Xi has transformed China over the past decade can offer clues for what comes next.

Blog Entries

A Call for Photos

China through the Years

As part of our on-going commemoration of the 20th anniversary of ChinaSource, we want to collect photos documenting the changes that have taken place in China. Whether you lived and worked there or were just visiting, we’d love to include your photos. 

Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Christians Look Back

This year China Source marks its 20th  anniversary as a clearinghouse of information and relationships for Christians engaged in China. As part of our celebration, Chinese Church Voices is taking a look back with Chinese Christians at what has changed in China over the past 20 years. 

Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Christians Look Back, Part 2

This year ChinaSource marks our 20th anniversary. As part of our celebration, Chinese Church Voices is taking a look back with Chinese Christians at what has changed in China over the past 20 years.