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Chinese Church Voices

A Call to Prayer

Not only has the coronavirus disrupted lives in China this year, there have also been floods and other disasters that have caused havoc. A northern pastor calls for prayer.

Blog Entries

China Ministry and Transformational Development (1)

The End of an Era?

[…] words from Samuel Escobar, Rene Padilla, and a host of other theologians, missionaries, and pastors from around the world convinced influential evangelical John Stott to join their call and include social justice in the Lausanne Covenant.2 This was the opening phase of a watershed shift away from the “Christian Americanism” that had undergirded the […]

Lead Article

What Is Disability?

[…] to what should be the response of society, Social Role Valorization. Social Role Valorization (SRV) is the name given a concept for transacting human relationships and human service, formulated in 1983 by Wolf Wolfensberger (Osburn). SRV offers a structure for adding value to a person. Individuals with disabilities have experienced many wounds, like the […]

Lead Article

The Marketization of China’s Education

China has a long history of valuing education. During imperial times, examinations were a meritorious path to civil service. These examinations favored rote learning of Confucian classics and produced an intellectual elite. In Maoist China, great strides were made in literacy and basic education. The emphasis was on political education over academic as it […]

Supporting Article

Human Services via Faith Groups

Without a complete understanding of what disability is, human services may not adequately address personal and social environmental issues—they may even exacerbate them. Some factors regarding disability can be attributed to discrimination in the social environment. In his discussion of human services delivery, the author focuses on faith communities, pointing out at least seven […]

View From the Wall

A Glance at People with Disabilities in China

[…] the individual, the employer, and the state share the financial responsibilities. Many people with disabilities are unemployed, and they cannot afford to purchase medical insurance. Providing rehabilitation services, delivered through rehabilitation centers as well as through Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) initiatives, is the major responsibility of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF). CBR has the […]

Supporting Article

Wolfensberger’s 18 Wounds Faced by Devalued People

[…] killing thoughts and death maki  Wolfensberger, W. (1998b). A Brief Introduction to Social Role Valorization: A High-order Concept for Addressing the Plight of Societally Devalued People and for Structuring Human Services (3rd ed.). Syracuse, NY: Training Institute for Human Service Planning, Leadership & Change Agentry (Syracuse University) p. 12-21. Image credit: Wheelchair by Andrew Hefter via Flickr. 

Blog Entries

Wendy Blazes a Trail

[…] a physical disability or serious medical condition, which often led to their abandonment because their parents considered them broken. Our philosophy is to take in these so- called “broken” children and transform their hopelessness into beautiful stories of redemption and love. Since 1996, we have provided more than 3,000 corrective surgeries for orphans. Although […]

Blog Entries

2 Resources for Those Affected by Coronavirus Restrictions

[…] affected by the restrictions put in place to limit the spread of the coronavirus, the impact of isolation and fear is taking a toll. There have been calls for prayer, local outreaches, and attempts by pastors and other believers to comfort and encourage those who are feeling the effects of the ongoing isolation. We […]

Blog Entries

As Many as the Stars

A Book Review

[…] absorbed by the sprawl of those mega-cities.  With both great respect for China’s leaders and deep compassion for her most vulnerable citizens, the Glover family followed God’s call to China in 1998 following a providential exploratory trip in 1996.  The earlier chapters of the book reveal the voice of the Lord speaking words of […]