Results for: Caddo%20Mills%20Call%20%201800%20404%209038%20Electrical%20service

Showing results for cato mills call 201804 2044 2098 electrical service 201804 2044 2098 call 201804 2044 2098 service 201804 2044 2098 201804 2044 2098 201804 2044 2098

Blog Entries

Ethical Foundations for China Service

[…] use Biblical based conflict resolution principles when there is a difference in approach as opposed to taking our disagreements public? We should not question others’ faith or calling into ministry even when approaches in China differ. How do we develop tolerance and mutual respect among diverse ministries to China? 5. Refer to ECFA Standard […]

Supporting Article

The Call for an Ethical Society

[…] a major manufacturing economy. Especially in the coastal regions, thousands upon thousands of factories have been built. Many recruit workers from all over the country. These individuals, called migrant workers, have come from other provinces, often inland, looking for work. Many of these migrants settle down as factory workers living and working inside the […]

Supporting Article

The Power of Prayer Partnership in Christian Professional Service

[…] society. Like salt and light they can permeate the whole. The people of Antioch were so impressed by the lives of the new believers among them, they called them “Christians”— little Christs. Paul told the Colossian converts he had not stopped praying for them, “asking God that they would live a life worthy of […]

Supporting Article

The Power of Partnership in Christian Professional Service

[…] growing—so much so that the leadership could not cope. People’s needs were overlooked and division marred the unity of the church. Peter and the other leaders immediately called the new Christian community together. Options were outlined, a way forward proposed and a collective decision made. The problem was resolved, and the number of new […]

Chinese Church Voices

Church Cares for Elderly in Zhangzhou City Nursing Home

Run by the Tabitha volunteer service center of Beimen Church in Zhangzhou City, the Jiale Nursing Home opened in May 2021 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the church, which was established on Easter.

Blog Entries

A Call for Photos

China through the Years

[…] I was only an overnight train ride away from a burger and fries. The little yellow taxi cabs that used to be ubiquitous, including the tiny mini-vans called miandi. (raise your hand if you remember riding in one of those!) The food stalls in front of the MacDonalds. They were the pre-curser to the […]

Peoples of China

A Call to True Worship

[…] a box by the gate. He was destitute, homeless and very much alone almost overnight. Few of his old friends will now answer the phone when he calls. He lives day-to-day in a shack on the edge of town, stealing food wherever he can, creating fantasies to pass the time, sleeping in the dirt […]

Supporting Article

The Three-fold Call of the Leader as Steward

[…] that leaves us exhausted, we take on more responsibility and shoulder more burdens for our people. We measure our ministry in quantities of people and services, house calls and money, buildings and baptisms. However, the measurement of success in the kingdom of God is radically different. Jesus measures things like our thirst for intimacy […]

Blog Entries

Call for Photos

Our upcoming spring edition of the ChinaSource Quarterly deals with cults in China and we are looking for appropriate photos to illustrate this topic.