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Showing results for cato mills call 201804 2044 2098 electrical service 201804 2044 2098 call 201804 2044 2098 service 201804 2044 2098 201804 2044 2098 201804 2044 2098


Social Service Ministry in China

While social service has long been part of missionary work in mainland China, today a host of different factors are driving Chinese Christians to explore for themselves the place of humanitarian concerns within gospel ministry. For a growing number of local Christians, loving one’s neighbor through acts of service is rapidly becoming an indispensable […]

Supporting Article

Keys to Effective Service in China

Four essentials for effective service in China.


Effective China Service in the Era of WTO

[…] greater openness and prosperity, but it is also accentuating social inequality and exacerbating economic problems. Both the positive and negative consequences of WTO bring new opportunities for service. No one can predict what these opportunities may look like in five or ten years. However, recent discussions among ministry leaders elicited a number of “best […]

Blog Entries

China’s Mission Movement: A Call to Incarnation

Today the forces of urbanization have brought Han Chinese believers face-to-face with a diverse range of cultures, from international students and business people to members of the hundreds of ethnic groups resident within China’s borders. 

Blog Entries

A Forgotten People

[…] exacts a high price. Yet no higher price has ever been paid than that which was paid by Christ to welcome into his kingdom all who would call upon his name. To his followers he gives this example, along with the promise that, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers […]

Blog Entries

3 Questions: Kerry Schottelkorb

A Home for the Forgotten in Qinghai

[…] harsh. This later led to the opportunity to serve the children. 3. How do you feel the Christian community is uniquely positioned to serve those children? Our calling is not only to serve but also to go the distance. We seek to serve with excellence and to keep our promises; not just doing the […]

Blog Entries

The Key to Chinese Missionary ServiceCalling

The Chinese church is vibrant and has growing passion to participate in missionary sending through undertakings like the Back to Jerusalem (BTJ) movement and the Indigenous Mission Movement from China (IMM China). Chinese Christians feel God calling them to long-term mission service. The principal factor encouraging them to long-term sustainable service is calling.


Chinese Missionary Call

Exploring the Foundations of the Chinese Missionary Undertaking

Understanding Chinese missionary perspectives on calling enables a clearer view of the foundations of the Chinese missionary undertaking. The Chinese missionary call is deeply rooted in a personal relationship with God. Despite personal loss or suffering, Chinese missionaries experience a joy that is centered in knowing Christ.

Chinese Church Voices

An Anti-Abortion PSA and a Call for the Church to Repent

The following article from the mainland site Gospel Times tells of an anti-abortion public service announcement that was posted online as well as played on Bus-TV in Chengdu, urging people to avoid having abortions on International Children's Day (June 1), and of other anti-abortion activities in Changchun, Jilin.

Chinese Church Voices

Video: A Christmas Eve Service

Video from a Christmas Eve service at a Three-Self Church in Northesast China