Results for: Bivalve%20Call%20%201800%20404%209038%20Electrical%20service
Showing results for bilbo call 201807 2044 2098 electrical service 201807 2044 2098 call 201807 2044 2098 service 201807 2044 2098 201807 2044 2098 201807 2044 2098
Calling, Vocation, and Spiritual Formation for Chinese Mission
This paper is a brief discussion of calling, vocation, and spiritual formation as it relates to Chinese Christians in mission service and the churches that send them.</p><p>Originally written as an assignment in the author’s doctoral program, the paper is based on interviews with Chinese Christians about their journey of spiritual formation, their life callings, […]
Church Cares for Elderly in Zhangzhou City Nursing Home
Run by the Tabitha volunteer service center of Beimen Church in Zhangzhou City, the Jiale Nursing Home opened in May 2021 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the church, which was established on Easter.
A Call for Photos
China through the Years
[…] the famous “snack street.” Did Beijing really look like that? It did, and so many other places in China looked so much different than they do now. Call for Photos As part of our on-going commemoration of the 20th anniversary of ChinaSource, we want to collect photos documenting the changes that have taken place […]
Pursuing the Right “Dream”
[…] economic growth and prosperity, couched in terms of national pride and increasing strength vis-a-vis the international community. This vision of a strong and prosperous country is not new; late-Qing reformers and May 4th activists alike sounded a similar call, and progress a century later is still measured against the backdrop of this longstanding national struggle.</p>
Put Down the Tea Leaves (and Look Out the Window)
<p>For those in long-term service in China, one of the difficulties in discerning where things are headed politically and socially is knowing how to separate out significant long-term trends from those events that, while appearing important in the moment, may prove to be mere distractions. This is particularly true for those working with the […]
3 Questions: Spiritual Formation in China
[…] series on <em>ChinaSource Conversations</em>, our monthly podcast, we looked at the spiritual formation of leaders. One of our guests was John, an expat and trained coach whose14 years of service in Asia have included facilitating retreats and leading people through creative spiritual exercises.</p> <p>Here John shares his thoughts on spiritual formation among Christian leaders in China.</p>
Anticipating Urban China
<p>As ChinaSource celebrates 20 years of service we are digging into our archives for articles chronicling the myriad far-reaching changes in China during the past two decades. Here we look at urbanization.</p>
Entering a New Season
<p>ChinaSource is entering its third decade with a renewed mission and vision. The opportunities we face and the times in which find ourselves call for new leadership to take ChinaSource into the future. </p>
Peoples of China
A Call to True Worship
[…] a box by the gate. He was destitute, homeless and very much alone almost overnight. Few of his old friends will now answer the phone when he calls. He lives day-to-day in a shack on the edge of town, stealing food wherever he can, creating fantasies to pass the time, sleeping in the dirt […]
Supporting Article
The Three-fold Call of the Leader as Steward
[…] that leaves us exhausted, we take on more responsibility and shoulder more burdens for our people. We measure our ministry in quantities of people and services, house calls and money, buildings and baptisms. However, the measurement of success in the kingdom of God is radically different. Jesus measures things like our thirst for intimacy […]