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View From the Wall

China in 2020

Vol. 9, No. 3

<p>Considering the changes that are sweeping though China, what will China look like in 2020? How are these changes affecting the people of China?</p>

Blog Entries

Victor Plymire: A Faith Worth Imitating

[…] renewed determination. Additionally, I hope that you would see the tremendous value of history and biography for the Christian life and the Church universal. Responding to the Call: Christ as Supreme Victor Plymire was born January 10, 1881 in Loganville, Pennsylvania. After coming to Christ at the age of fifteen he spent some years […]

Supporting Article

Human Services via Faith Groups

<p>Without a complete understanding of what disability is, human services may not adequately address personal and social environmental issues—they may even exacerbate them. Some factors regarding disability can be attributed to discrimination in the social environment. In his discussion of human services delivery, the author focuses on faith communities, pointing out at least seven […]

Blog Entries

Asking the Right Questions

[…] Spencer Johnson made the observation, “The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you can find new cheese.” If your “cheese” is opportunities for effective service in China, then adapting to the new environment means leaving behind those that are no longer viable and seeking out those that are emerging. In the […]

Chinese Church Voices

The Next Decade of the Church in China

[…] the number of Christians in China is between 3-5%. The Challenges and Way Out for the Church in China in the Next Decade Based on my own service experience, looking back at the past decade, I feel that the church in China has transitioned from growing rapidly to staying steady, with a declining trend. […]

Lead Article

Thinking about China

[…] post-communist Russia has gone from bad to worse while, in China, there has been continuing stability and openness to the outside. Therefore, these assumptions are also being called into question. MYTH #3: China as an Asian Authoritarian Nation A third framework provides a more balanced perspective that is better able to take in the […]

Blog Entries

Space, Place, and Face

The Transformation of China’s Church

[…] geography but also the social fabric in multiple dimensions. China’s church is no exception. The same forces of urbanization that have driven widespread economic, cultural and demographic change have also left an indelible mark on Christianity in China. In my efforts to unpack the church’s transformation for various audiences, I often look at change […]

Blog Entries

Strengthening Marriages in the Chinese Church

[…] the Holy Spirit can bring about change. The Global Times article concludes: In the Bible, marriage is a covenant made by husband and wife before God. The call to commitment is higher than the goal of gaining happiness; self-sacrifice and service are more important than obtaining what we want from the other person. In light […]

Lead Article

What Is Disability?

[…] to what should be the response of society, Social Role Valorization. Social Role Valorization (SRV) is the name given a concept for transacting human relationships and human service, formulated in 1983 by Wolf Wolfensberger (Osburn). SRV offers a structure for adding value to a person. Individuals with disabilities have experienced many wounds, like the […]

Blog Entries

Historical Context Matters

[…] was the recently reelected president Obama… Wait, is this church? As soon as Sunday school let out, I quickly made my way to the sanctuary for morning service. Still processing American politics, I looked forward to some quiet worship and familiar teaching. Thus all the more my surprise when, at the start of service, […]