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Showing results for lisha lake call 201804 2044 2098 electrical service change 201804 2044 2098 call 201804 2044 2098 change 201804 2044 2098 201804 2044 2098 201804 2044 2098

Blog Entries

China and Africa: An Eternal Imprint

<p>Africa is experiencing considerable change in the course of the unfolding relationship, but so is China.</p>

Peoples of China

A Call to True Worship

[…] a box by the gate. He was destitute, homeless and very much alone almost overnight. Few of his old friends will now answer the phone when he calls. He lives day-to-day in a shack on the edge of town, stealing food wherever he can, creating fantasies to pass the time, sleeping in the dirt […]

Supporting Article

The Three-fold Call of the Leader as Steward

[…] that leaves us exhausted, we take on more responsibility and shoulder more burdens for our people. We measure our ministry in quantities of people and services, house calls and money, buildings and baptisms. However, the measurement of success in the kingdom of God is radically different. Jesus measures things like our thirst for intimacy […]

Blog Entries

Call for Photos

Our upcoming spring edition of the ChinaSource Quarterly deals with cults in China and we are looking for appropriate photos to illustrate this topic.

Chinese Church Voices

A Call to Prayer

Not only has the coronavirus disrupted lives in China this year, there have also been floods and other disasters that have caused havoc. A northern pastor calls for prayer.

Supporting Article

Campus Ministry in Mainland China

The Role of Foreigners, Past and Present

Brookings presents the shifting roles that foreigners have had in student ministry pre-1949 through the present. As awareness of the importance of this ministry increases, he considers how the role of foreigners continues to change.

Chinese Church Voices

Change Brought about by the Cross

In the online Christian magazine Kuanye, a contributor who had experienced a horrific car accident testifies how church members rallied to show support. The writer's own response to the incident is contrasted with how the writer probably would have responded had it happened before knowing Christ.


Blog Entries

Will China Become Generous?

<p>According to <em>China Daily</em>, one out of every thousand people in China is a multimillionaire. Yet China’s newfound wealth does not yet appear to be translating into greater generosity. In a worldwide survey, the London-based Charities Aid Foundation ranked China last among 140 countries. Could that change?</p>