Results for: American+Airlines+++1800-299-7264+Business+Class+Reservation+Booking

Showing results for american airlines 1800 299 726 business class reservation booking american airlines 1880 1964 1800 299 726 1880-1964 airlines 1800 299 726 airlines 1880 1964 1800 299 726 1800 299 726 1880 1964 1800 299 726

Supporting Article

Transpacific Transposition: 1965 to Present

History of Chinese Christianity in North America (3)

The author brings us to the present by giving five factors that since 1965 have created the awakening and dominance of independent-minded and indigenous evangelicalism in North American Chinese Christianity.

Chinese Church Voices

Business as Mission with Chinese Characteristics

Two takes on business as mission from a Chinese perspective.

Lead Article

The Christian World They Made Together: 1850–1911

History of Chinese Christianity in North America (1)

The author explains the growth of the Chinese diaspora and Chinese immigration to the United States and Canada as well as the events that gave birth to North American Chinese Christianity.

Supporting Article

Saving China, Saving Ourselves: 1911–1965

History of Chinese Christianity in North America (2)

[…] As debates between reformist and revolutionary advocates intensified, Chinese Christians were deeply engaged. They believed that China’s salvation required integrating Western technological prowess and spiritual values (i.e., American democratic ideas and Christian faith) into Chinese cultural heritage. Before the Sino-Japanese conflict of the 1930s, this optimistic point of view made sense.1 One of the […]

Blog Entries

Gaining Perspective on the Chinese American Christian Diaspora

The winter issue of ChinaSource Quarterly, “Chinese American Christianity in History and Today” came out last week. Our friends Sam George and Andrew Lee at the Global Diaspora Institute (located at the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center) did an exceptional job of guest editing the issue and bringing to our attention the history of […]

ChinaSource Quarterlies

Business in China

Vol. 8, No. 4

2006 Winter Issue

Lead Article

The Clash of Culture and Class in China’s “Olympic Era”

Many challenges face China today and have resulted in clashes of culture and class.

Lead Article

American Friendships with Chinese Students, 1847–1930

[…] left to right, Rong Hong, Tang Guo’an, and Mei Yiqi For more than 170 years Chinese students have come to the United States. They made friends with American teachers, students, families, and business people. Some came as Christians while others became followers of Christ after they arrived. Christian students set up clubs to encourage […]

Blog Entries

The Dream of a Beijing Father and Educator

[…] year, yet it is obvious that the majority of Chinese parents do not have the finances to send their child overseas for school. I have visited many American middle and high schools. I have seen that in the American or western educational system, students have the opportunity to develop creativity and character, to develop […]

Blog Entries

“China Is Not Russia”

The first chairman of the ChinaSource board reminices about the early years of ChinaSource.