Results for: Allegiant%20Airlines%20Business%20Class%20Flight%20800-299-7264%20Ticket%20Booking%20Reservation

Showing results for collegea airlines 2business class flight 2800 299 726 ticket booking reservation collegea airlines 2business class flight 202009 2800 299 726 202009-2-28 airlines 2business flight 2800 299 726 airlines 2business flight 202009 28 2800 299 726 2800 299 726 202009 2800 299 726

Supporting Article

Educational Inequality for Migrant Children Perpetuates Poverty

[…] and professional tracks. Most of them pick up jobs in the informal sector. Such social inequality is likely to be perpetuated given the fact that their second generation is not provided with quality education. In China, education, often considered a way of changing one's life trajectory, now only reproduces social status and reinforces class boundaries.

View From the Wall

Bible Study Fellowship in Beijing

Where to Go from Here?

After running for three years on its globally uniform schedule, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) International’s classes, for Chinese nationals in Beijing, China, were disrupted in the fall of 2012. The opening for the BSF “Year of Genesis” has been postponed indefinitely, because the date of the national convention of the ruling political party in […]


January 17, 2013

[…] The New York Times)

China is making a $250 billion-a-year investment in what economists call human capital. Just as the United States helped build a white-collar middle class in the late 1940s and early 1950s by using the G.I. Bill to help educate millions of World War II veterans, the Chinese government is using […]

Chinese Church Voices

When Your Phone Becomes a Substitute for True Relationships

What would lead an 18-year-old boy from a top class to stab his teacher and show no remorse? In this interview transcript, originally published on the mainland blog Territory, host Wenjun speaks with Jiang Peirong, a Taiwanese psychologist and Christian, about what might have led to this shocking event.


ZGBriefs | January 6, 2022

China’s Reform Generation Adapts to Life in the Middle Class (January 3, 2022, The New Yorker) My students from the nineteen-nineties grew up in rural poverty. Now they’re in their forties, and their country is unrecognizable.


ZGBriefs | July 2, 2020

International flights to China resume as coronavirus restrictions ease (June 27, 2020, South China Morning Post) International airlines are starting to resume flights to China after a loosening of aviation restrictions brought in as part of the country’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.


ZGBriefs | October 8, 2020

Chinese families shun Western universities as coronavirus, strained ties are ‘scaring middle-class families’ (October 3, 2020, South China Morning Post) About 81 per cent of affluent Chinese families whose children study foreign curriculums and take foreign examinations have decided to postpone plans to send them abroad for undergraduate or graduate studies

Blog Entries

The Testimony of an 80后

During the baptism class, I felt the Spirit of God convicting me that I needed to become a true follower of Jesus. After that, I was baptized.

Resource Corner

Perspectives—in Mandarin and Virtual

The Perspectives class in Mandarin will be offered in a virtual format this January.

Blog Entries

Pressure on the Church, Pressure on the Party

A Reader Responds to the 2022 Winter CSQ

When pressure comes, Christians generally respond in one of three ways: fight, flight, or somewhere in the middle…. When praying for the Chinese church, we must not fail to pray...for the unity of Christians under pressure.