Results for: Allegiant%20Airlines%20Business%20Class%20Flight%20800-299-7264%20Ticket%20Booking%20Reservation

Showing results for collegea airlines 2business class flight 2800 299 726 ticket booking reservation collegea airlines 2business class flight 202009 2800 299 726 202009-2-28 airlines 2business flight 2800 299 726 airlines 2business flight 202009 28 2800 299 726 2800 299 726 202009 2800 299 726

Blog Entries

The Impact of Buddhism

Even When It Is More Cultural than Belief

In Asian culture, often anyone who is born in a Buddhist country is considered a Buddhist. It’s not uncommon for people with a strong family identity to consider their family and religion together.

Blog Entries

Connecting with Chinese International Students

A Book Review

[…] life.  Now, many years later, they still host a Christian group in their home in China and he shares Christian principles with his students in the university classroom. This is just one of many examples of the Lord using many people to reach a Chinese scholar unfamiliar with the gospel of Christ. It often does […]

Chinese Church Voices

Keep Praying for MH

On July 17, a Malaysian Airlines flight travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot out of the skies over eastern Ukraine. 298 souls perished. In the days following, many Christians took to Weibo to express their condolences. We have translated a few of those posts below.

Blog Entries

The COVID-Era Preflight Checklist

[…] China to make a quick trip back to the States. A “quick trip” used to be two weeks. Now it cannot be shorter than a month. The flight used to take us 24 hours door to door; this time it was 48 hours. However, what made this trip different was not the longer flight […]


ZGBriefs | February 6, 2020

These airlines have suspended flights to and from China  (February 5, 2020, CNN) Here's a roundup of some major airlines that have suspended or reduced their flights to mainland China.

Supporting Article

The Development of the Middle Hues

The new middle class in China


ZGBriefs | July 26, 2018

Airlines comply with demand from China that Taiwan not be referred to as a sovereign nation  (July 25, 2018, The Los Angeles Times) U.S. airlines have begun to comply with a Chinese demand that Taiwan be referred to as a part of China. 


ZGBriefs | November 8, 2018

China's middle class: We're being picked like leeks by the government  (November 4, 2018, CNN) Wang is one of millions of Chinese middle-class men and women who grew up in a roaring economy… but the past year has been especially tough.


ZGBriefs | April 11, 2024

As China’s economy falters, so does middle class confidence (April 10, 2024, NBC News) The slowdown means middle-class Chinese can no longer assume continuous economic gains, or that their children’s quality of life will be better than theirs.


March 14, 2013

[…] people who were born after 1980, who never knew food rationing and were raised after Chinas reform and opening began. Im talking here of the urban middle class, who dominate Chinese media both as purchasers and consumers. The raft of criticisms being levelled has very little to do with the actual failings of the […]