A Tsinghua University Mathematician Finds Rest in Christ
I will never forget my parent’s exhortation as I left for Beijing: “Your parents and siblings will sometimes leave; only Jesus does not leave. . . . Regardless of where you end up, never forget Jesus. He is our family’s savior.” Even though by then my heart was already far from God, my parents’ words gave [me] a thread of comfort.
Opening the Eyes of My Heart
I was once lost but was bought by God at great price. I had been a confused Christian for many years, and there was no change in my life until God opened my spiritual eyes and made me see.
Lost on a Mountain, Found by God
A Tsinghua University graduate in automotive engineering felt lost in every area of his life until he was found by God on a snow-bound mountain in Qinghai Province.
One Who Waited for “Godot” but Found God
The next year went as hoped. I entered Peking University, and my father’s dreams were fulfilled. But the excitement was short-lived. Very quickly, my heart was restless again: What should my next step be? Take classes, join student organizations, make friends. . . My heart felt hollow.
A Hydraulics Engineer Finds True Success
In the world’s eyes, I seemed successful. I had graduated from a famous university and stayed to teach there. . . . I wasn’t “left-over” in the marriage market and got married at the age of 26. If this was what a successful life looked like, then I’d rather give it all up, in exchange for the treasure I got after the age of 30—my Lord Jesus Christ.
God’s Grace in the Life of a Peking University Grad
Through a period of increased study and consideration, and through joining fellowships and studying the Bible, I came to conclude that “the world was created” was the most reasonable answer to be found. I could no longer deny God’s existence.
The Testimony of a Third Generation Believer at Peking University
I was born into a Christian family, but that did not mean that I naturally believed in God.
Supporting Article
Testimony of an Old Immigrant
John Zhou, who migrated to New Zealand over twenty-five years ago, tells us how his faith in Christ became truly personal and intimate. As a result, he has decided to live the second half of his life differently.
The Faith of One Who Grew up at Peking University
My relationship with Peking University began with my parents. . . . I was born at the university’s school hospital and grew up attending the university’s affiliated preschool, elementary school, and high school. Then in 1992, I received a recommendation to attend Peking University and later became a student of chemistry at the school.
The Unexpected Journey of a University Student
Alone, wretched, and bewildered, I was unaware that God was softening my hard heart in this time of darkness, and he was quietly opening a door to eternal happiness.