Ethnic Minorities
Why Church Planting Among Unreached People Groups in China?
Will you join us in praying for the unreached peoples? Together, let us commit to being part of God’s mission to make disciples of all nations and to plant healthy churches that will reproduce to surrounding villages and across generations.
Bringing Light to the Mountains
The Gospel Among the Yi People
China’s minority groups, particularly those such as the Yi (彞, approximately 8 million strong), have been marginalized for years. This region has been designated as an “extremely impoverished” area dependent on outside resources. However, this aid often remains superficial and fails to address the root causes of the problem.
What’s the Finish Line of the Great Commission?
The finish line of the Great Commission is not merely evangelism or church planting; it is to bring about the obedience of faith among all peoples, resulting in healthy, biblical, local churches that display the glory of Christ in their communities and beyond.
Unreached People Groups in China
A Call to Action
Together, let us commit to being part of God's mission to make disciples of all nations, until every people group in China and around the world has heard the good news of Jesus Christ.
An Exploration of Islam in China
More Context from the ChinaSource Archives
The Muslim people groups in China need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Sharing the gospel with them takes cultural sensitivity and education. Come along for a deep dive into the cultures and faith of these people and learn how to pray for them and effectively evangelize them.
Pray for Hui during Ramadan
While Chinese Muslims deliberately seek to earn God’s favor through practicing Islam [during Ramadan], there is a spiritual war raging. As Christ’s church, we engage in this battle through prayer.
Ramadan and the Gospel
When we celebrate with our Hui friends, let us not treat remembrances of either our God or theirs as quaint cultural relics, but as points of connection to God and his gospel. These are powerful gospel prompts.
Interfaith Dialogue in a Chinese Village
A few years ago when we were living in China, I “accidentally” ended up having an interfaith discussion with two imams which was actually very helpful. Here’s the story of one of those discussions.
Sober Optimism
Opposition and Opportunity
This conversation did raise for me, two important questions. How do we view the world around us, and particularly its political and social institutions? And how will God’s redemptive plan, God’s kingdom, be ushered in in all of its fullness?
Sharing the Good News with Hui
Know Thy Hui Neighbor (9)
What not to do and suggestions for getting started.