Christian Life
Chinese Upbringing and US Culture
A Third-Culture Kid Bridges East and West
Pray that the Chinese Gen Z can find their true meaning and identity, that their worth would not in their achievements, but of a higher force.
God Is on the Move, Part 1
Observations and Reflections on Protestant Christianity in Post-Covid China
During the zero-COVID chaos, Chinese churches found hope and resilience, witnessing God's presence amid isolation.
The Light of the Bible
My Reflection on the Influence of the Bible on China
A group of devout Christians, who lived out the Bible's teachings, made its words come alive—tangible, and visible. As I was influenced by them, I began to experience joy, gradually transforming from a person prone to anxiety and worry to one filled with hope.
Your Freedom Is Not My Kind of Freedom
Only by accepting Jesus can we know the truth and accept the truth, and only then can we be free, and live above the law and under grace. If we do not…accept the freedom of Jesus but continue living in the so-called freedom under the law, then we are simply taking joy in our sin.
More than Just “Good”
Our new identity in Christ allows us to bravely face everything that being a woman entails… Even if the world, Satan, or our own sin constantly seek to deceive us, we can, by fixing our eyes on God, bravely and strongly maintain our feminine identity.
Praying for China’s Cities
We want to follow the lead of Chinese Christians. If they are praying for one another in a specific way, we want to lift them up in the same manner. If they feel a need to better know and understand one another, then we also share that same need.
Can Others Tell?
As Chinese New Year approaches, Barbara Kindschi shares memories of holidays in China from years past and invites us to remember our Chinese brothers and sisters in prayer, using some recent ChinaSource articles as guides.
Taking Our Pain to the Cross
Bringing our pain to God is an act of profound faith. Believers in China who experience trauma can be encouraged by the truth that God will never leave them or forsake them. He is with them in their pain, and they can trust him through the sorrow.
Let Go
Let Go is to ultimately “let God;” becoming vulnerable and humble… By naming or giving shape to things that we need to let go of—pain, disappointment, offense, trauma, broken dreams, or unhealthy relationships, we are able to make decisions to detach ourselves from them, creating space for healing, forgiveness, growth, and freedom.
Christmas Bliss
Journeying Through Life with a Vacation State of Mind
The warm vacation home offered a sanctuary, shielded from the snow and cold outside, where a joyous family embraced Christian peace and calm. It was a tranquil Christmas holiday, and the ambiance of "universal rejoicing in the coming of the Savior" felt perfectly in place.