Campus Ministry
The Price of Discipleship
In the face of adversity, we were asked a profound question: Are we willing to pay the price to follow Jesus? This period of persecution became a crucible, testing our faith and convictions.
Prepared in Advance
God is not limited, and we can trust that he is still working, in advance, in the hearts of those we meet on our campuses.
Yes, You Can Impact the People of China
Earlier this summer we posted an article, “Can My Church and I Really Impact the People of China?” The answer to that question, both from the article itself and from my experience, is a resounding yes.
Can My Church and I Really Impact the People of China?
If there’s a university or college nearby, has your church seized this opportunity?
Real Relations and Real Connections
A Reader Responds to the Autumn CSQ
Whether campus ministry continues to happen primarily online, changes back to in-person, or becomes a hybrid version of the two, building relationships with students is key for the development of campus ministry.
Supporting Article
Meet China’s Gen Z
Vol. 23, No. 3
The students from China’s Generation Z exhibit many characteristics differing from those of previous generations. The author identifies and describes these differences, then suggests ways that student ministries outside China can form relationships with these students.
Supporting Article
Adversity and Opportunity
Returnee Ministry and a Global Pandemic
Returnee ministry involves movement and connections. The author explains how these two factors have encountered adversity and opportunity during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Supporting Article
International Student Ministry in China
Is There Still Hope?
Given all that has happened in China due to COVID, Jones looks at the situation of international students studying in China: their current reality, their future, and the role the church plays.
Supporting Article
China Never Left Us
A campus ministry worker shares how, after living in China and heeding God’s call, he and his wife began a ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic that provides opportunities for Chinese students studying in the US to experience local places and connect with local people.