From the ChinaSource Archives

Blog Entries

An Earlier CSQ Look at Women in China

From the 2002 summer issue of ChinaSource Quarterly.

Chinese Church Voices

A Letter from a Wuhan Pastor

Continue to Pray with Us

A letter to Christians from a pastor in Wuhan.

Blog Entries

Returning “Home”

Thinking through What Matters For Families

We continue to hear of cross-cultural workers and their families leaving China—often returning to a "home" culture that no longer feels quite like home. How can parents help their children through this transition?

Blog Entries

Learning to Be Hospitable

A family learns new ways to show hospitality and build relationships in China.

Blog Entries

A Christian’s Experience in Detention

Brother Xu Guoyong, co-founder of Oak Tree Press in Beijing, was tragically killed in an accident in January 2016. In this excerpt from his writings he reflected on the time he spent imprisoned for his faith. 

Blog Entries

Talking about Sensitive Issues

The conversation taught me the importance of relational trust and humility in addressing sensitive historical topics and the vital role of self-critique in forming the most important of connections: ones that bring us closer to our shared sense of brokenness and the need for grace beyond what we can muster.

Blog Entries

Learning to Be a Learner

Over the years it has been reiterated that to truly serve the people of China and the Chinese church, one must first be a learner. Adopting a “posture of learning” is essential, but how does one actually do that?

Blog Entries

Re-thinking What Affects Effectiveness

An article on effective service from the ChinaSource archives.