Articles in this Issue
Lead Article
Coaching, Mentoring and Spiritual Formation
Learning and insights from a recent consultation for mentors and coaches are reported in this article. It delves into many aspects of mentoring, coaching, and spiritual formation including the value of both older mentors and peer mentors. It also provides helpful suggestions for finding a mentor and a mentee.
Supporting Article
Into the Deep
Reflections on Discipleship in China
The author shares from her experience as a mentor giving us glimpses of three different women she has shared her life with, and how her interactions with each of them have brought about changes in their lives. She closes with a summary of what being a mentor has required of her.
Supporting Article
Coaching in China
Rose and Hunter look at characteristics of churches and businesses that indicate their need for coaching and go on to explain what coaching entails. Rose describes how she has put coaching into practice in the ministries she is involved with at her church and acknowledges the blessings this has brought to the church body.
View From the Wall
Five Profound Mentoring Needs in China
Lee identifies five areas where Chinese leaders need mentoring due to a lack of positive influences in their lives. He examines each of these areas and shows how mentoring can fill the voids left by unfulfilling or nonexistent relationships.
Peoples of China
Musings of a Mentee
Mentor: “A good teacher and valuable friend.” With this definition, the author shares how three mentors have made an impact in her life and testifies to the reality, omnipotence, compassion, and greatness of her Heavenly Father.
Book Reviews
When the Well Runs Dry:
Prayer beyond the Beginnings
A Book Review
After many years of devoted prayer and Christian living, we sometimes find it difficult to feel God’s presence. In our pursuit of a deeper prayer life, we often come up dry and wanting. Fr. Green provides an important understanding of prayer for many Christians who start to wonder why their prayers have begun to feel empty. Using the examples of some of the great mystics of the Christian tradition, he imparts to us some of their wisdom so we can better understand the journey of the interior life and the true call to faith in prayer that the Lord gives us.
Resource Corner
Recommended Resources:
Coaching, Mentoring and Spiritual Formation
The following resources were recommended by WWL participants as helpful in coaching, mentoring and spiritual formation.
Image Credit: Thomas Hawk via Compfight cc
MC (pseudonym) has worked with Chinese believers for over 40 years.View Full Bio