In the 1990s, a young hymnwriter from the countryside in China began writing and sharing her songs, which quickly became popular within house churches all across the country. What made these songs unique and popular was that they were written in the simple style of Chinese folk music. They were not like traditional Western hymns sung in the registered churches; nor were they like imported/translated modern worship songs from Korea and the US. The composer of the songs was not well educated and did not have any formal training in music. What she did have was the Holy Spirit guiding her to use her gifts to speak to people in their own vernacular.
One of her most famous songs was “Five O’Clock in the Morning in China.”
At five o’clock in the morning in China you can hear people praying.
They are rejoicing in the Great Love that unites all the peoples of the world.
These prayers soar over the highest mountains and melt the ice off the coldest hearts.
There is no more bondage.
There are no more wars.
Hearts receive blessings from above, and destinies are changed.
It is going to be an excellent year for the harvest.
Prayer is and has long been a hallmark of churches in China. It sustained believers during the periods of intense suffering they experienced in the early days of the People’s Republic of China and the Cultural Revolution. It also fueled the spread of the gospel and growth of the church during those same times. During the era of increased openness, as the space for religious expression and practice expanded, they continued to pray for guidance on how to make the most of the new opportunities afforded by the more relaxed political environment. And in this new era of shrinking spaces, with increased restrictions and a renewed emphasis on Marxist ideology, they continue to pray for perseverance, creativity, and wisdom, and that God will continue to build and strengthen his church.
As we enter a new year, we at ChinaSource are committing to a renewed emphasis on praying for China. You can expect to see more posts with invitations to pray and suggested resources to guide us in praying.
Commenting on James 4:2, John Piper says this: “Prayer causes things to happen that wouldn’t happen if you didn’t pray.”
As we think about the year ahead, what are some of the things that we want to see happen in China, in the lives of those we serve there, and in our own hearts and minds? Let’s commit ourselves to praying for those things to happen.
Image credit: Getty Images via Unsplash
Joann Pittman
Joann Pittman is Vice President of Partnership and China Engagement and editor of ZGBriefs. Prior to joining ChinaSource, Joann spent 28 years working in China, as an English teacher, language student, program director, and cross-cultural trainer for organizations and businesses engaged in China. She has also taught Chinese at the University …View Full Bio
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