A friend of ChinaSource, citizen of the People’s Republic of China, and fellow believer, wrote this about ChinaSource:
It helps global Christians see what God is doing in China, not just what the government is doing. It tells stories of what our brothers and sisters in China are doing, not just what the government tries to prevent them from doing. This, in turn, helps those outside of China to know better how to pray for and serve Christians in China.
No matter what is happening in the world of politics or the sensationalized news cycle, God is always on the move. Whatever strictures his people are living under, he is always walking with them, showering them with his grace and love. Unfortunately, most of what we see in the news focuses on what is not allowed in China—restrictions on political speech, the censored internet, and clamp downs on religious practice.
ChinaSource stands apart, offering thoughtful biblical analysis and bearing witness to the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of our brothers and sisters in China. We offer this more accurate and more hopeful image to the global church, so that Christians around the world may have their hearts opened to their fellow believers. As we are encouraged with the beautiful stories of God’s work among the Chinese people, we can all be united in prayer. No matter how much the prevailing political winds try to divide us, God calls the church to unity in Christ. The ChinaSource team stands in grateful humility at the ways God is enabling us to foster that unity.
As 2022 ends we would be grateful for your prayerful consideration of a gift. From our goal set in October of US$250,000, we are still seeking to raise US$31,534 before January. As someone who appreciates how ChinaSource “helps global Christians see what God is doing in China,” please support this work. If you would like to make a gift now the button below will send you to our secure giving page.
If you are planning to mail a check, please make sure it is postmarked by December 31 to be included as a 2022 contribution. Addresses are below:
PO Box 631032
Littleton, CO 80163-1032
Checks can be made out to “ChinaSource.”
ChinaSource Partners, Ltd.
Room A, 15/F Teda Building
87 Wing Lok Street
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Checks can be made out to “ChinaSource Partners, Ltd.”
![Peter Arneson](https://www.chinasource.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Arneson-Peter2021-300x300.png)
Peter Arneson
Peter Arneson serves ChinaSource as the Director of Advancement, helping supporters connect the dots between passion for ministry to Chinese and opportunity to engage. Other than the Hong Kong airport, Peter has never been to China but has a passion for serving the global church. View Full Bio
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