ChinaSource has extensive archives on almost any topic relating to China that you can imagine. This summer, we have put together a series called “ChinaSource Summer School,” which will bring some of these earlier articles together so that our newer readers can delve into the archives and find out more about foundational topics to understand China and Christianity in China. Long-time readers can re-visit favorites, read articles they might have missed, and rediscover resources recommended by ChinaSource team members and contributors.
For this inaugural post, we’re focusing on Chinese culture and how it interacts with Christianity.
Jesus: The Path to Human Flourishing, a Book Review
This book was suggested to me when I joined the ChinaSource team, and I can heartily second the recommendation of the reviewer in the blog post. The book is short and engaging—an excellent place to start. I’Ching Thomas explains important aspects of Chinese culture through the lens of sharing the gospel. She has contributed several posts, which are well worth reading.
Union with Christ and Contextualization in China
A contribution from the Spring 2018 ChinaSource Quarterly, this article explores the meaning of “union with Christ,” both in the broader context of the writings of Paul and in dialogue with Confucian concepts in Chinese culture. When you’ve read this article, click over and read the rest of that issue of CSQ. There’s so much to absorb on the idea of contextualization.
Grappling with Multiple Identities
Chinese Christians often have to reckon with several identities—familial, ethnic, national, and their faith. Though this can be a challenge, there is a lot in the New Testament that can help. JI Yajie takes a careful look at how believers in Hong Kong, in particular, can make use of scriptural examples to help them.
Peacemaking in China (a series)
Jolene Kinser has contributed several blog posts which look deeply at the ways Chinese believers think about apologizing and forgiveness. As of this writing, we’re up to eight posts with several more planned. Each one is a little gem, bringing a different facet of peacemaking to our attention and leaving us with much to ponder.
Contextualization and Chinese Culture
Plenty of people learn best by listening, rather than reading, so here is a recording of an interview Joann Pittman conducted with Brad Vaughn (who was going by the pseudonym Jackson Wu at the time) and Sam Chan. They discuss ways to frame a presentation of the gospel in both Asian and Western contexts, paying special attention to important concepts in Chinese culture, including face, honor, and shame.
Sipping from a Fire Hose
Joann Pittman has evocatively described learning about China as “sipping from a firehose.” In this webinar, she managed to turn down the spigot a bit, so the audience could get a good primer in the basics of Chinese culture. The post also includes book, podcast, video, and film recommendations so that you can follow up and learn more about areas that interest you.
This is just a small sample of the many resources on Chinese culture. Click here to find everything with the tag and see what more you can discover.
Rachel Anderson
Rachel Anderson serves as the Assistant Content Manager at ChinaSource. Though she has never been to China, her ancestors were missionaries in East Asia and passed on a deep love and respect for those cultures. Rachel lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their five delightful children. View Full Bio
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