首要推荐的100 个国内族群
(100 Priority Unreached People Groups in China)
This recent resource, available only in Chinese, has been published to encourage churches in China to adopt an unreached people group. A lead article discusses the status of evangelization among minority people groups and provides a comprehensive overview of missions among them. It includes discussions of both positive and negatives factors, attitudes of those reaching out to these groups, and strategies for bringing the gospel to them and discipling them. The major part of the book is given over to detailed information about each minority group including its culture, language, religion, and geographical area. Prayer items for each group are also included.
- Contains a comprehensive list of all the UPG
- Lists the top 100 UPG and encourages their adoption
- Provides detailed information about each group
- Edited by two of the most seasoned Chinese UPG researchers in China
- Contains color photos
- 81 pages in length
- Published by Mission China 2030 in September, 2016
Cost: US$15
This publication may be obtained by emailing ChinaSource at info@chinasource.org.
A Catalog of Websites on Missions
This list of websites was compiled by mission mobilizers in China and includes a variety of sites that provide information and training on topics pertaining to effectively serving in cross-cultural ministry both in and outside China. Most of these sites are openly accessible in China.
The list includes sites for:
- Mission agencies
- Special platforms
- Informational websites
- Focus on special people groups or areas
- Prayer
- Bible translation
- Education by extension
The list is available on request from ChinaSource by emailing info@chinasource.org.