Resources from 2004
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China’s Migrants and the House Church
An Interview with Brother Min in 2002
An Interview with Brother Min in 2002
Supporting Article
Reflections on the Role of Migrant Labor
The following was written by Daniel Wright in 1998 while a fellow in the Institute of Current World Affairs living in inland China and studying its people and societies. His “Reflections” came after sharing conversations and experiences with migrants during a 35-hour train journey from China’s interior to the coast. To get my mind off […]
Supporting Article
China’s Migrants and the House Church
A ChinaSource interview with Brother Min in 2002.
View From the Wall
The Master’s Embarrassment
As increasing numbers of peasants—among those who were to benefit most from Liberation—move to the cities seeking work and opportunities for improved lives, they continue to suffer discrimination and hardship.
Peoples of China
Urban migration has brought young women from mountainous regions in Yunnan into the provincial capital, Kunming, seeking work. They are also seeking freedom from fear and bondage and they are finding it in Jesus Christ.
Book Reviews
Strangers in the City
Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks Within China's Floating Population by Li Zhan.
Reviewed by Scott Faris
A Church on the Move
Editor's Note: This editorial originally appeared in "Urban Migration" (CS Quarterly, 2004 Winter).
Lead Article
Against the Storm
Three Chinese peasant children amidst the largest population shift in world history
Three Chinese peasant children amidst the largest population shift in world history.