Winter 2001
Lead Article
What Is to be Our Role?
Hearing God’s Voice through the Church in China
In determining how the church outside of China can serve China's churches, it is essential to listen to Chinese Christians. This article is based on interviews and conversations the author had with leaders of churches in China and with expatriates who work with the church in China
Supporting Article
Serving the Church in China
Five Lessons for Effective Partnership
Gleaning lessons for working well with the Chinese church gleaned from the experiences of others.
Supporting Article
A Sixteenth Century Strategy for Serving China in the 21st Century
What can we learn today from the work of Matteo Ricci?
Supporting Article
Letter from a Chinese Evangelist
A letter from a Chinese evangelist about foreign involvement in the Chinese church, followed by a response.
View From the Wall
Keys to Effectiveness in an Ever-Changing China
What is essential to serving effectively in China?
Peoples of China
Partnering to Reach the Peoples of China
God is building his church among the peoples of China, but the vast majority of Chinese have still never heard the gospel—or even the name of Jesus. How can we reach them?
Book Reviews
More Like Us?
To Change China: Western Advisers in China 1620-1960 by Jonathan Spence.
Reviewed by Daniel Bays