Returnee Ministry: Reflecting on Developments
The opportunities remain significant for the church and international student ministries to reach and disciple Chinese students and scholars, the majority of whom (about 80 percent) will go back to China.
Catholics in China: An Overview
We hope you will see that Chinese Catholics live with a strong awareness of Our Lord Jesus’s presence with them amidst many challenges, that they live in hope in exceedingly challenging times, and they remain faithful to him in ways that can inspire us all.
The Evolving Tapestry of the Chinese Diaspora
The dispersion of Chinese populations will continue to grow in the near future and the missional implications of this are enormous. The recent growth of Christianity in China and the country’s political upheavals are pushing a record number to migrate overseas. Many have…embraced the Christian faith in foreign lands and cultures.
Keeping Pace in Our Digital Age
In 2023, over five billion people use the internet, emphasizing the global shift to digital spaces. ChinaSource Quarterly explores digital strategies and evangelism opportunities.
The Struggles and Strengths of China’s Migrant Workers
From the desk of the guest editor.