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Supporting Article

The Challenge of Returning Chinese Scholars

With the number of Chinese scholars studying abroad increasing and many of them coming to faith in Christ, understanding the challenges they face in returning to China is vital for their ongoing spiritual growth. What is being done to deal with those challenges?

Supporting Article

Challenge of Returning Chinese Scholars

With the number of Chinese scholars studying abroad increasing and many of them coming to faith in Christ, understanding the challenges they face in returning to China is vital for their ongoing spiritual growth. What is being done to deal with those challenges?

The Lantern

Increased Persecution? Do Numbers Tell the Whole Story?

[…] and a topic of vital importance to Christians who grieve for the sufferings of their brothers and sisters. A recent report by China Aid citing an increased number of incidents of persecution in 2012 and claiming that the Chinese government has embarked on a planned effort to eradicate the house churches in China by […]

Blog Entries

ZGBriefs The Weeks Top Picks, February 20 Issue

There were a number of articles in this week's ZGBriefs that caught my attention. The first two are about romance and weddings in China. The third one is about government efforts to save abandoned babies by providing "baby hatches" in various cities. The fourth is for fun video highlights of a motorcycle ride around China.

Chinese Church Voices

Caring for Elderly Parents

China is facing some unique demographic challenges, not the least of which is an aging population. Currently, roughly 8% of the population is 65 or older. However, according to a report by the BBC, that number is expected to be 12% by 2020, and 26% by 2050.

Supporting Article

A Place to Grow in Faith:

The Challenge of Developing Sustainable Faith Formation Programs in China

[…] a structured setting. In recent years, however, there has been a gradual rise of home-grown initiatives and program models adopted from overseas that are starting to change this situation. Nevertheless, challenges remain and the author looks at a number of reasons (beyond the more obvious political challenges) why the deepening of faith has been difficult.

Blog Entries

A Government Mouthpiece Reports on a Missionary Movement

Over the past couple of months, we have published on Chinese Church Voices a number of posts about the growing awareness of the importance and practice of cross-cultural missions by Chinese churches. 

Chinese Church Voices

A Life that Belongs in Heaven

[…] resources and training for the Chinese church in this area is great.

One man who is speaking to this need is Yuan Datong (Andrew Yuan), a Christian marriage counselor who conducts marriage workshops in churches all over the country. He has also authored a number of books on the subject, including Marriage: A Covenant for Life.

Blog Entries

Where Are the “Liu Mei?”

The number of Chinese students studying in the US has increased drastically in recent years. Where are they all studying?

Blog Entries

Hospitality, a Comic Book, the Bible, and Lot

A Conversion Story in China

Over the past decade of living in China, I have been privileged to hear a number of wonderful conversion stories. Each is special, but occasionally one stands out as particularly uncommon. The following is one such story.