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Supporting Article

Mainland Chinese on the African Continent

Every year, China does $10 billion worth of trade with Africaand this continues to increase. Thus, the continent, and especially South Africa, is drawing a large number of Mainland Chinese. Who are these Chinese and what are their situations? Who is trying to reach them with the Gospel and what challenges do they face […]


September 20, 2012

[…] to City in a Changing China, explains in this talk from TEDGlobal 2012, those emotions obscure a larger point that factory workers arent simply toiling to provide cheap products to the West. They are also toiling to make products for their own people, as well as to change their personal circumstances.SPECIAL SECTION: SINO-JAPANESE TENSIONS […]

Chinese Church Voices

Have We Failed Returnee Christians? (Part 1)

The number of Chinese Christians continues to grow, both inside and outside of China. As large numbers of Chinese move and travel abroad, particularly to the West, many encounter Christianity for the first time. Many of these Chinese come to faith while abroad. After living abroad, Chinese Christians often have trouble transitioning into church life […]

Chinese Church Voices

Evangelism, Reformed Theology, and Church Life, Part 1

A growing movement of churches attracted to the Reformed faith is gaining steam in China. Although still comparatively small in number, these churches and several of their prominent leaders are gaining influence among Christians across China. This article, originally published in the journal ChurchChina, provides hard data on how Reformed theology has impacted the evangelistic efforts […]

Blog Entries

When Counting Is Hard . . . in China (2)


More on the challenges of determining the number of Christians in China.

Chinese Church Voices

Left-behind Children and the Rural Church

As China develops and urbanization accelerates, so does the number of Christians flowing out of the countryside. This has left many rural churches with shrinking numbers and aging congregations. 


ZGBriefs | May 2, 2019

Chiang Mai’s Chinese Transfer Students  (April 26, 2019, China File) In search of an affordable alternative to Chinese education, a growing number of Chinese parents are moving their children to international schools in Thailand.


ZGBriefs | August 31, 2023

Measuring Religion in China: Christianity (August 30, 2023, Pew Research Center) There is a range of estimates for the number of Christians in China, partly because different researchers use varying sources and methods, and partly because some analyses make adjustments to account for limitations in survey and government data.

Blog Entries

A Chinese Christian Exodus?

Due to a number of monumental changes in politics, economy, and society in mainland China over the past decade, Chinese emigration has apparently been accelerating steadily…. What caught our attention is the very obvious and strong presence of Christians in ongoing emigration from China. A couple of unofficial estimates put the percentage of Christians…at 15-20%.

Blog Entries

When Christians are Persecuted

Reports of Christians being detained, harassed, fined or otherwise hindered from living out their faith have led many to conclude that persecution is the norm in China. Yet while such incidences do occur, a much larger number of Christians engages seemingly unhindered in a wide variety of activities on a daily basis.