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The Lantern

Truly, One Body Many Parts

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. . . . If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored all the parts are glad. 1 Corinthians 12:12, 26 In our third […]

Blog Entries

One-in-a-Thousand Millionaires

An Example for China’s Christians?

[…] to. Here’s why: Meteoric economic growth has given rise to a class of new millionaires that has become the standard of success across China. China Daily estimates one in every one thousand Chinese is a multi-millionaire. Included among these are many billionaires. More than half can be found in Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, and Zhejiang. […]

Blog Entries

Best Christmas Advice: Act One and Act Two

Act One: Several Years Ago In a meeting with a Chinese pastor, my colleague and I asked her how foreign Christians in the vicinity of her church could support her and the church. The church is in sort-of a rural area (a relative term in that part of China) and most of the foreigners […]

Blog Entries

Governing Religion with One Eye Closed

[…] the cover caught my eye: Growing Pains in a Rising China. The article topics range from economics to education to the internet, and almost everything in between. The one that caught my eye, though, and the one I read first was the Politics of Increasing Religious Diversity in China, by Robert P. Weller. His main […]

Blog Entries

3 Reasons to Celebrate from One Who Stayed

[…] China, there has been much to lament. But, there has also been much to celebrate. I want to highlight three areas to celebrate from my perspective of one who has stayed behind in China. 1. Resiliency of Ministry COVID-19 has reinforced what most of us involved in China ministry have long known: Chinese Christians […]


That They May Be One

[…] China. Recognizing the enormity of the task and the need for interdependence among the various parts of the Body, many have moved (albeit cautiously) from working al one to dialogue with others, sharing information and resources, collaborating on specific projects and finally, long-term partnership. From a practical standpoint, partnership makes a lot of sense. […]

Blog Entries

A Generation of One

Why China's most privileged youth generation ever is still looking for more. China's one-child policy has created, for the first time in history, an entire generation that has not known what it is like to have brothers, sisters, or cousins. China's most privileged generation to date, the youth of today have grown up with […]

Blog Entries

Student Ministry—Too Much for One Issue

[…] academic year. Several campus ministries were involved, and local churches of various denominations provided the lunches. It was a great place for meeting students, building friendships, and promoting the activities of the campus ministries. It was also a great place to learn about the history of campus ministry in St. Louis. We were amazed […]

Chinese Church Voices

The Transformation of Overseas Chinese Churches: “Three Highs and One Low”

[…] when we reaffirm that kingdom growth is more important than church growth can we see that the two are not necessarily opposed, and that church growth can promote kingdom growth. Conclusion Chinese churches in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the UK have experienced the trials and tribulations of Chinese immigrants and have traversed […]

Blog Entries

One Virus, Two Cities

[…] hotspots. Compounding the danger of the virus itself was a woeful lack of national coordination that left individual cities and states to fend for themselves. On the one hand, this laissez faire approach gave localities freedom to adapt their policies to realities on the ground. On the other hand, an uneven patchwork of regulations, […]