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Chinese Church Voices

Jesus: The Best Christmas Gift Ever

[…] is a great chance for sharing the gospel. We should shift our eyes from the present and material things to spiritual things. A man with faith is a man who knows how to grasp opportunities and tell people that Jesus is the best Christmas present. Original article: 北京重要宣教领袖:圣诞节最好礼物——给人耶稣基督 Image source: Nativity, Jeff Weese, via Flickr

The Lantern

Now That China Is Number One

[…] consequences –including for the Body of Christ – both domestically and internationally,. For China’s Christians the effects of economic growth have been relentless, especially during the past 15 years of rapid urbanization. The needs of the church have changed dramatically as the church in China has transformed from a largely rural, socially marginalized, financially […]

Blog Entries

The Final Number Is In!

[…] you all for the exciting December finish to the 2021 fundraising effort. As you may have heard, we finished the year with a matching challenge of US$ 100,000, put forward by two different friends of ChinaSource. The final tally is done, and together, you, our community of support, provided US$136,761.03 toward the challenge and […]

Blog Entries

China’s Education Dilemma: The Search for Alternatives

With the explosion of private schools in China has come an emerging opportunity for the faith-based community to offer an alternative to the current lopsided system. By taking a holistic approach to education, these schools can prepare students for life, not simply the next exams, and can also equip parents to fulfill their vital role in the academic, emotional, social, and spiritual development of their children. Variations on the traditional home schooling model developed in the West are also being pursued in China by believing parents who choose not to send their children to public schools.

Blog Entries

In Search of Structure

The Pull of Denominations in China

Chinese Church Voices is running a series of articles taken from a lengthy interview with a Reformed unregistered church pastor in China. The fact that the Christian website in China where the interview originated gave the topic such in-depth attention, and the fact that this particular pastor (and many others like him) are such strong advocates of Reformed theology, raise the question of why denominations have become so attractive to Christians in China.

Blog Entries

Best Christmas Advice: Act One and Act Two

[…] that as what I’m doing and question the value of my contribution. Instead, this is also the voice of the Good Shepherd: Just show up. Don’t underestimate the power of your presence. Originally published on December 14, 2015 at a life overseas. Reposted with permission. Header image credit: Joann Pittman Text graphic credit: Amy Young

Blog Entries

Are China’s Best Being Lost to the West?

[…] to return to China to serve long-term. And for those of us who live in China, we need to think twice before we encourage our local brothers and sisters to go to the U.S. for seminary. Notes ^ Ripken, Nik. Insanity of Obedience. B&H Books, 2014, p. 184. Image credit: Jetway to China Air flight by Curt Smith.

Blog Entries

Be A Better Dad Today

A Book Review

[…] (Be a Better Dad Today, Chinese version), 2014. Kindle电子书version available from for¥4.99; other formats also available. Kindle电子书version available from for ¥3.99; other formats also available. Reviewed by Barney Ambassador.  Philanthropist.  Venture Capitalist.  Harvard Business School Professor.  Best-selling author.  Ask Gregory Slayton which one of these he feels is the most important job he has ever had and he will tell you none of […]

Blog Entries

Sharing Eternal Truth on Shortwave Radio

Old-School Tech Beats Modern Monitoring

What if I told you there was a safe, secure way in which information can be received by people in China? It cannot be easily turned off or blocked, it cannot be traced, it leaves no digital footprint, and best of all, it cannot be censored or edited.

Peoples of China

Understanding and Engaging with the Post-Eighties Generation

In China, the “post-eighties” denotes those who are were generally born during the 1980s. They are the earliest generation of those who became known in the West as the “Little Emperors” of China. Typically, they were raised in a family environment where all adults focused their attention on their only heir. R and J […]