Results for: United Airlines Reservation 800-299-7264 Official Site Phone Number

Showing results for united airlines reservation 800 299 726 official site phone number 8279 reservation 800 299 726 8279-70-8 8279-70-8 reservation 800 299 726 number 8279 reservation 800 299 726 800 299 726 8279 800 299 726

Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Christians Pray following the China Eastern Airlines Crash

On Tuesday, March 22, China Eastern Flight MU5735 crashed about an hour into the flight. There were no survivors. China’s commercial airlines have not had a major disaster in recent years and so this has drawn the attention of people both inside and outside of China. Christians in China have responded to the tragedy […]

Blog Entries

Public Transcripts and Official Agendas

[…] for understanding this document. One of the things that Vala writes about is the importance of what he calls the “public transcript”—public displays of conformity to the official agenda that are required in authoritarian states. Once an official agenda has been announced (in this case Sinicization), all sectors within society must publicly display that […]

Chinese Church Voices

The Impact of the Coronavirus Outbreak on a Christian Official

A Testimony

In this article from Territory, a local government official shares how the coronavirus has been his “wake-up call” to the Christian faith. The author also writes about what life is like on the front-lines in the war against the coronavirus in China. An Unimportant Person in a Rural Town in the War against the Coronavirus […]

Blog Entries

Christians United For China

[…] as long as it is accompanied by the respect of governments and societies for the freedom of religion and belief. Please join our Facebook prayer group: Christians United For China (CUFC) and pray together in a unified, worldwide effort. We already have over 300 members including Christians from SE Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, […]

Blog Entries

The Final Number Is In!

Thanks to all our wonderful friends and donors, we are looking forward to what 2022 will bring with renewed energy for our kingdom calling.

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

Delineating nine areas of expectations for pastors in China. 

Blog Entries

Be A Better Dad Today

A Book Review

[…] Better Dad Today: Ten Tools Every Father Needs, Slayton emphatically states: “being a good dad is the most important job any of us—from the President of the United States to the CEO of a major corporation to the guy taking out the garbage—will ever have” (p.14).  Raised by a dysfunctional father who abandoned him […]


A Look Back to Look Forward

A Decade of ChinaSource

A word from the managing editor.

Lead Article

The Three-Self Patriotic Movement

Divergent Perspectives and Grassroots Realities

[…] about the political loyalties of Chinese Christians, Protestant and Catholic, because lay and professional religious people had strong friendships and financial ties to its enemy countries, the United States and European powers. In fact, archives from the 1940s note how a few outspoken Protestant pastors and Catholic priests then had vocally criticized the Communist […]

Supporting Article

How China’s Religious Affairs Bureaucracy Works

[…] the workings of the religious affairs bureaucracy first by following the story of an aspiring pastor, then by viewing them historically. The Chinese Protestant Three-Self Patriotic Movement Association, China Christian Council, Religious Affairs Bureau and United Front Work Department are all discussed along with how they interact, lines of authority and the role of guanxi.