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Chinese Church Voices

Just Say “No!”

[…] development? And then I think about the string of economic issues—I feel a lot of pressure. In fact, the intent to resign originated in the push to promote Christian education in the church. For three or four years, I have constantly talked about such a ministry with church workers and they are very supportive. […]

Blog Entries

How Are Your TCKs Doing?

In the past 18 months, our family has lived in six borrowed homes in two states. This has been the result of planning, packing, obtaining visas, multiple COVID tests, and then being denied the needed green code twice in our attempts to return to China


May 8, 2014

A compilation of China news stories from around the Web. 

Chinese Church Voices

Humbly Striving for Growth—Li Yan

[…] For years, she served as the chairman of the Chinese Skating Association and as a member of the Chinese Olympic Committee and she has devoted herself to promoting ice and snow sports in China. Last November she was appointed the head coach of the Chinese speed-skating training team to prepare for the Beijing Winter […]


ZGBriefs Newsletter for May 3, 2012

[…] cities in 2011, with 10.5 million new migrant workers last year, up 4.4 percent from the previous year, according to the report. Teen commits suicide over dress code (April 29, 2012, China Daily) The suicide of a 14-year-old girl who jumped to her death in mid-April to protest her school’s dress code has triggered […]


ZGBriefs | March 9, 2017

[…] body amounts to $500 billion, just below the annual economic output of Sweden. A Quick Scan at the NPC (March 3, 2017, China Media Project) The QR code, it seems, it being pushed this year as a symbol of sorts for the government’s professed openness and transparency. Also on Sunday, media reports said, codes […]


ZGBriefs | June 1, 2017

While the rest of the world tries to “kill email,” in China, it’s always been dead (May 28, 2017, Quartz)
In many parts of the world, email remains deathless—a relic of the desktop-era internet, before mobile and social media were on the landscape. It’s a convention: You can’t not have an email address. In China however, email never reached the ubiquity it has in other countries. Most Chinese consumers, if they have an email address, seldom use it. Chat, instead, remains the preferred method of communication–between friends, families, colleagues, business partners, and even strangers.


ZGBriefs | August 3, 2017

[…] most popular old people’s homes (there is one in Beijing with a waiting list of 100 years). China's Restive Xinjiang Province Changes Family Planning Rules to ' Promote Ethnic Equality' (August 1, 2017, TIME) A restive region of northwestern China has just altered its family planning policy to no longer allow ethnic minorities to have more […]

Blog Entries

Counting by Sevens—Re-entry into China

[…] in the international arrivals area are in full PPE with goggles and face shields. The passengers are gradually deplaned and guided through a series of stages—a QR code for customs, an on-site COVID test (both nose and throat samples), immigration (who checked every page of my passport to make sure I had not been […]


ZGBriefs | April 21, 2016

[…] gives in to censorship, say academics (April 14, 2016, Australia Financial Review) The ABC agreed to comply with China's tough censorship laws when it opened a website promoting Australia inside the country last year, a decision that has led to criticism the broadcaster is refusing to publish articles critical of the Chinese government. According […]