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Book Reviews

Where East Meets West

[…] place in it. Our different backgrounds affect our thinking.  In the West, we exalt logic in making decisions and seek to reduce all thought to the scientific method.  In practice we fail, of course, but this is our ideal.  The East will seek a more holistic way of arriving at a conclusion, including prolonged […]

Chinese Church Voices

Interview with a Reformed Church Pastor (2)

[…] the law. This is a common phenomenon. ‪I myself am in the process of learning and understanding that the Reformed faith is very forgiving. But if the method is wrong, it is easy for people to misunderstand. I pay attention to the method of expression, so the process of transformation in our church is […]

Chinese Church Voices

Cults and Christianity in China

[…] website. These include the Shouters (呼喊派), the Disciple Society (门徒会), the Lingling Sect (灵灵教), All Sphere Church (全范围教会), Lord God Sect (主神教), New Testament Church (新约教会), Guanyin Method (观音法门), Anointed King (被立王), the Unification Church (统一教), Three Grades of Servants (三班仆人派), True Buddha School (灵仙真佛宗), Children of the Heavenly Father (天父的儿女), Dami Mission (达米宣教会), […]

Lead Article

The Church in China and World Evangelism

[…] to do with the gospel under the title of “missions,” here I am referring to missions that involve sending workers to an outside field using a holistic method to spread the gospel of the Kingdom. The focal point should not be on what the sending church wants to see accomplished or how they want […]

Blog Entries

From the Middle East to the Middle Kingdom

The Hui, an Introduction

[…] by telling us why we need a course like KTHN: When we first came to North-West China, we joined a team who had been using the CAMEL method of evangelism with Hui people. One of the key features of the CAMEL method is using the Qur’an to build a bridge to the Bible. But […]

Blog Entries

When a Gift Is Not Enough

[…] pattern of apologizing through actions rather than expressing a verbal apology. While he was growing up, Liu Haifeng was only exposed to and used the following action-apology method: If you and I have a conflict and it seems that I am in the wrong, I will proactively help you with something to apologize, but […]

Supporting Article

Preparing for 2008

It's Not about the Olympics

[…] churches. Restrictions and Respect An early consideration for ministry in China is to realize that what works well in most places may not work in China. Many methods effective elsewhere may not be welcomed in China. Even though Christians disagree with some restrictions in China, it is in our interest to show respect for […]

Supporting Article

The Effects of Urban Migration on the Countryside House Churches in China

[…] to plant churches there among their friends and classmates. Then they send coworkers in to work with them and train them. One movement is also using the method of tract distribution in the city, with the tracts being distributed by both the countryside coworkers as well as city believers. Of course, in some areas […]

View From the Wall

China in 2020

Vol. 9, No. 3

[…] the peasants can decide who will become the village head, but above the village level the township, county, city, provincial and central governments still maintain the old method of the Communist Party appointing leading cadres at each level. The inextricable tie between direct elections at different levels of government and the process of China’s […]

Supporting Article

Family Ministry Approaches

Three Models toward a Lifestyle

[…] a chemistry experiment. Children and youth do need “experts” in certain academic areas. However, in the area of spiritual training and discipleship, we may have adopted this method without thinking through all the implications and impact on children. Too many Christian parents have abdicated their responsibility to the local church and school. This way […]