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Blog Entries

Reflecting on Tea and Evangelism

A ChinaSource Perspective on the coming 2021 spring issue of CSQ, "Women and the Missio Dei in China."

Blog Entries

The COVID-Era Preflight Checklist

[…] part two of “Getting over the COVID Great Wall” coming out next week. See “China tames latest Delta-induced surge in 35 days” in Global Times, 202108/1232256.shtml"> (accessed August 25, 2021). Similar reductions also affect other international flights to and from China. Currently weekly international air connections are only two percent of what […]

Blog Entries

Serving with Wisdom in the Changing Ideology

[…] 4. Ka-lun Leung, Blessing upon China: Ten Talks on the Contemporary Church History of China, (Tian Dao Publishing House, 2002), p. 54. å´Â”æ–‡佳, “è¾Â›ä¸Â‘å·¨è®ÂŠï¼Âš‘中國人ä¸Âåƒé€™ä¸Â€å¥Â—’çš„硬氣å¾Âžä½Â•è€Œä¾Â†”, 北京日報, Mar. 20, 2021, downloaded from 2021/03/20/62752t112.html"> on Apr. 28, 2021. Ye Lan, “A Visit to the Hudson Taylor Memorial Building,” China Christian Daily, Sep. 12, 2019, downloaded from […]

Supporting Article

Meet China’s Gen Z

Vol. 23, No. 3

[…] in students coming to study abroad. Characteristics of Gen Z in China China’s Gen Z is defined by social media, critical events, and age. In a July 2021 research report entitled “Gen Z: Definition and Characteristics”3 three key dimensions were used to define China’s Gen Z: the internet that has radically changed the way […]

Blog Entries

Listening in the Quietness

"Be Still and Know That I Am God!"

The new generation of believers and church leaders are no longer easily excited by large conferences and mission movements but are willing to delve deeper into each individual’s life. They have started moving away from focusing on the relationship between church and state and are now turning their attention to broader public concerns.

Blog Entries

Counting by Sevens—Re-entry into China

In my previous post, I described the process for getting all the approvals to actually board a direct flight to China from the USA.1 In this post I’ll share what we experienced on landing in China until we were clear of all the quarantine and monitoring requirements. On arrival in China the plane is treated […]

Chinese Church Voices

A Pastor’s Vision for Small Groups

[…] the church he serves. Interview: The Transition from Traditional Church to Small Groups After graduating from a seminary in Taiwan, Brother L returned to serve in January 2021 at Baiyuwan Church, a rural church in his hometown in Zhejiang Province. In a previous interview, he had shared about the ministry he carried out in the […]

Blog Entries

A Lived Theology Approach to “Seeing” the Chinese Church

Reflecting on “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era” (1)

[…] a theological approach and method? Check out the following texts and articles: Sabrina Müller, Lived Theology: Impulses for a Pastoral Theology of Empowerment (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2021). I recommend this short volume as an accessible and yet academically informed synopsis of lived theology as an emerging discourse and its implications for a pastoral […]

Blog Entries

Real Relations and Real Connections

A Reader Responds to the Autumn CSQ

Having guest edited the summer 2021 issue of ChinaSource Quarterly on campus ministry within mainland China, I was encouraged to see the theme of campus ministry continued in the autumn 2021 issue. The circumstances of life and ministry within mainland China have an influence on ministry with students outside China. This collection of articles […]

Blog Entries

Prepping for the Olympics

The Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics—delayed by a year due to the pandemic–will finally get underway on July 23, 2021. The news has already been filled with stories of triumph and heartbreak as the trials have taken place and the national Olympic teams have been selected for competition at the games. To help our readers […]